Relationships and age difference

by greendawn 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LongHairGal

    You have to remember that the older you get the less important it is.

    Basically I like somebody within a decade of my age. That can be older or younger. And that is only because I feel somebody closer to my age has more in common with me. But I will make exceptions sometimes.

  • jaredg

    i think that where you are in life has more to do with who you date then does the age difference.

  • Sunspot

    I don't think age matters if two people love each other. (Sounds so rehearsed, doesn't it?) But I mean it.

    My first husband was 3 years older than me, and my present hubby of almost 38 years is 3 years younger!


  • ljwtiamb

    My friends and I had the rule: half your age plus seven.

    No one's ever broken it in our circle.

  • greendawn

    The old sage Aristotle thought that the best way was for a man to marry in his thirties with a woman half his age, something that he personally applied and never regretted.

    But some may frown upon it, when I was on holidays in Spain at age 39 with a very attractive and charming Australian girl of 22 there were several prudes that couldn't look at us with a straight face. Was it Jealousy?

  • Charisma

    It all depends on your age, the older you get the more the age span can increase. I have dated men ten yrs older and ten yrs younger

  • Ring Wielder
    Ring Wielder

    My father was 47 when he married my mother, 20. As kids you accept such things as normal, but I know that some at that time (late 1950's) thought that they would have retarded children. (No comments please!)

    I am now 47 and i think my dad must have believed all his xmasses had come at once! I sure if there are any 20 somethings out there at a loose end.......*daydreams*.......

    They were married for 15 years, during which time my dad became a JW and my mum never did. I think it was a combination of age difference and the intolerant policies at that time of the WTS which meant you could not show consideration for the unbelievers, which led to the breakdown. (It WAS a lot more black and white then) My mother felt totally neglected at times because my father, even though he was a gentle man, would not miss anything 'spiritual' to spend time with her.

    I think an age difference of that magnitude is bound to affect the relationship later in life unless there is some really special bond there...


  • JW83

    My hubby is a year older than me, which means we are always definitely on each other's wavelength re pop culture, which is good ... I always thought I'd end up with an older man (mature, etc) but then I look at my hubby's fit bod & am glad I ended up with a young'un.

  • GentlyFeral
    My friends and I had the rule: half your age plus seven.

    Ewww! That only works when you're in your twenties. Even as early as 30 – or maybe even 25 – that's waaaay too young!

    I think the acceptable comfortable age difference widens as you get older. At age 50, ten years either way seems about right.

    Much more important, of course, are health, stamina, kindness, affection, hot sex, and joie de vivre. Void where prohibited by lack of imagination.

    gently feral

  • doofdaddy

    Yay loved the comments. My ex in a fit of spite reckoned I would never attract another woman as I was too old(I was 43 at the time). Well my last partner was a georgeous 28 yr old german cancerian sweetheart who loved me(and I her) dearly.

    What about old guys bodies jw 83? I've never been fitter. Ha ha. Can still party all night without sleeping for a week after!

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