Did you ever experience Holy Spirit?

by Ring Wielder 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LittleToe

    Yes - it was intimately involved in the "spiritual experience" that resulted in my freedom, and in my walk ever since.
    No-one else was around to stir up "euphoria".

  • Leolaia

    I will tomorrow night.

  • Faraon

    I really cannot tell you if I have experienced her, or how to tell if the emotions and feelings of being at peace come from my mind, or I am helped by her in order to attain this state of inner peace.

    One thing is clear. I felt more in touch with humanity and with myself when I either believed in God, as a catholic, or now as an agnostic, doubts and all.

    My life as a JW, except for the first few years seemed to be filled with stress, especially filling the 60 hours of required time promised when I volunteered, and the "spiritual activities" such as personal and family study, preaching, going to meetings, dressing up, and traveling to and from those activities. I felt guilty about filling the monthly record, and wound up writing on them "Matthew 6:3". I began to see things as black or white. No middle ground, and started to realize that I was becoming insensitive.

    I guess I never have fully understood the concept of Holy Spirit, either as God, part of the trinity or as a force, but I feel closer to her as a person that can be an advisor or counselor and she can be a source of comfort.

    Jehovah is clearly a mythical god who was only interested in the tribal genetic descendents from Abraham, and therefore he is out by default. Jesus did not come to break the Jewish Laws, inhuman as they are, so he is out since he recognizes as true the myths of the bible. His apostles were not interested in the rest of humanity until Cornelius. This means that the last parts of the gospels were inserted later.

    That would only leave the Holy Spirit, but she is not acceptable by me as part of a trinity because Jehovah and Jesus are myths. To top it all, part of my still JW mind controlled mind views her as a mindless force, so she is out.

    Thank you Watchtower for driving someone to have a strong inclination to atheism!

  • Sunspot

    As Faraon just said, the JW life is full of stress. We may have thought there was HS while a JW, but looking back, I'm sure there was not. I have felt the HS well after I had left the WTS, and you KNOW when you feel this. At best I can describe it as a feeling of peace and well-being that soothes you for the moment.

    I'm not really sure what it was that got me to researching the WTS and what totally and quickly made me sit up and take notice of the lies that I believed. I wonder if it was HS, and why everyone doesn't "see" this as I did? NO one likes to be lied to so I'd think that there would be many more JWs that would be streaming out of the cult.

    Searching the 'net about the WTS when you're a staunch JW?.......sometimes it's good to be a bit disobedient!!


  • Ring Wielder
    Ring Wielder

    Hi Sunspot...You describe having HS as 'a feeling of peace and wellbeing that soothes you for the moment'. How are you so sure that this is HS and not just a 'feeling of wellbeing that soothes you for the moment'.

    I dont mean to be flippant, but when i am in the countryside close to nature i have a feeling that sometimes wells up inside of me of intense emotion, i think due to the overwhelming beauty and colour in nature. I could put a couple of names to it...but i wont, because i dont know that I would be correct in doing so.

    My point is, that unless i feel something that i have never felt before, i would always have to attribute the feeling to a mood or emotion that i was experiencing at that time...otherwise I could attribute all feelings and emotions to some extraterrestrial source..such as Holy Spirit...

    I am therefore of the mind that all my feelings and emotions are just that... natural mind/environment/experience produced, feelings and emotions...not the influence of Holy Spirit or Demon Possession


  • Evanescence
    the bond I still have with nature

    but when i am in the countryside close to nature i have a feeling that sometimes wells up inside of me of intense emotion, i think due to the overwhelming beauty and colour in nature.

    Awe and wonder my friends, Awe and wonder one of the gifts of the holy spirit

    Evanescence (gone all lubby dubby christian again )

  • bennyk

    YES. The Anointing cannot to be mistaken for something other than what it is.

  • Leolaia

    Well, I almost did. I was a little self-conscious of how ppl would see me, and when I came to, ppl were staring and laughing at me.

    But the music was dammmn good!

  • fairchild
    Although as an individual/cong/body of elders holy spirirt was prayed for, i cannot think of one moment when I thought..right now I have Gods spirit acting upon me.


    YES. The Anointing cannot to be mistaken for something other than what it is.
  • Elsewhere
    Did you ever experience Holy Spirit?

    Yup! It's called Jesus Juice!

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