Did you ever experience Holy Spirit?

by Ring Wielder 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LittleToe

    So let me get this right; because you had an experience that you initially interpreted as the action of the Holy Spirit, but later reinterpreted to be hormonal, no-one has ever had an experience with that which they call the Holy Spirit?
    Have I got that right?

  • tetrapod.sapien

    hi little toe,
    no, you have got it wrong. first i said that supernatural (spiritual) experiences can be explained psychosomatically. then, secondly, i said that in my experience i realized that it was not holy-spirit. that does not mean that i said that no one has had an experience that they call holy spirit. just that i call it firing synapses and others call it spiritual. does this answer your question?

  • LittleToe

    No, I think I got you right - in your opinion hormones and synapses firing in a certain manner are synonymous with that which some call Holy Spirit, yes?

  • tetrapod.sapien

    yes, indeed, that is what i think, but that was not your question to me. you asked: no-one has ever had an experience with that which they call the Holy Spirit?

    and i am saying that is not what i said. many have had experiences that they call holy spirit. i don't deny it. i just criticize it. so i never said "no-one".

  • Uzzah

    Former answer as a JW Elder:

    Someone who allows the Holy Spirit to enter their life will manifest the fruits of the spirit. Love joy peace etc.

    Answer as an xjw cynic:

    Anything that I heard Bethel claim was based on holy spirit was actually induced or brought about by someone with an ego or an agenda.

    As an agnostic:

    I have no idea but much of my 'blessings' have come from hard work. I have had more 'blessings' as an EXJW in the form of success, happiness, relationships and peace since leaving the Borg and once I stopped praying for them. (and yes I worked hard as a JW too but with no resulting 'fruitage'). When in Bethel I used to pray for peace (of mind/contentment) but never got it till I left.

    Even the 'euphoria' I felt for years when driving onto Bethel property disappeared in the late 80's. Other's commented on that same thing. So if holy spirit did exist at one time, it seemed to disappear.

    oops sorry I'm rambling.


  • LittleToe

    But what we are stating is that it's more than that.
    Hence if all you've experienced is synapses and hormones, you're hardly in a position to critique those who experienced something different to yourself, eh?

  • tetrapod.sapien

    i don't deny that you think "it is more than that". it is not about me projecting my experiences onto everyone else, and saying (as you are presuming) that because i experienced one thing, that it is now universal truth! i never fall into that trap per se. but what it is about, is that supernatural experiences can be explained by science without invoking other supernatural explanations. it's not just me using my limited experiences to explain phenomenon. it's the neuroscientists, the psychologists, the biologists, the physicists that have clearly shown that natural explanations for so-called supernatural experiences are more than sufficient for the phenomenon in question.

  • LittleToe

    "clearly shown"?
    Is that heresay, or do you have the evidence to hand?

  • tetrapod.sapien

    ha ha ha, yes, you are obviously a seasoned apologist. surely you have had many sources provided for you over the course of time. do i really have to provide them for you again? plus, i am the one in the default position here, the natural position. i do not carry the burden of proof. what is the point of proving a negative? rather, people who ascribe incredible explainations for strange natural phenomenon, are the ones who should be stepping up to the plate with "evidence". not the ones who simply lack belief in the supernatural. like sagan said: "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." i call the claim: "i feel jesus in my heart and gods spirit with me!" an extrodinary claim. the burden of proof, my friend, is on you, not me.

  • LittleToe

    Haha, on the contrary, there's no such requirement laid upon me.
    You are the one who laid a "scientific" claim about the veracity of the Holy Spirit.
    I have no such desire to "prove" my subjective perspective...

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