Do you hate litter boxes? and does it benifit anyone to hate litter boxes?
Do you hate the religion of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by logansrun 149 Replies latest jw friends
I don't hate litter boxes. I know many very good litter boxes. I hate what the scoops do to people.
Do you hate litter boxes? and does it benifit anyone to hate litter boxes?
Oh lord Brummie,i have no idea odd kitty
Ok, so what have you ever done to rid the world of litter box scoops????
Old Soul . . . I don't know you, but I still love you.
Same here. I think I understand what you were going for, but this is an ICU for recovering JWs. A lot of us aren't ready for pitched battle just yet. Please let us heal a little first before calling us to arms.
But also, there are many here who have already done more than nothing.
OldSoul -
Using the dictionary's definition, I suppose one could say I hate this organization at the same time while I feel sympathy and heartache for most of its members. An example would be all those young boys still rotting in Rwandan prisons for their participation in the genocide-a lingering tragedy-what to do with them? They're guilty of heinous crimes committed whenm they were morally/ehtically unaware children manipulated by others.
As far as the collective members, there are many different "types" of JW's :
1.- Children duped and programmed from birth (much like Nazi Hitler youth).
2.- Over-zealous converts that feel their new behaviour saved them (and those surrounding them) from disaster (cocaine addicts, criminals, etc...) in life which is often true (though not unique to the org.).
3.- The Social "Positioners"- Those individuals who need to be in some sort of hierarchial organization to feel any purpose and often will commit unethical acts to maintain their status or improve on it forgetting their "prime mission" as outlined by Yeshua. These individuals often make excellent executives!)
4.- The "Worn Out" Ones- those that have invested too many years in the org. and abrogate their personal thinking responsibility which Yeshua placed on every Christian, just clinging to their routine on itnellectual auto-pilot. (my parents)
5. The Truly Dim and Uneducated-No religion can do without these!
6.- The Double-Lifers- Those morally inept lying buggers with little moral fibre of their own.
7.- The Leadership - A-The Self-Duped variety who cling to their mission despite what the truth of reality shows them.
B. The Cynical Manipulators who don't care about anyone anymore except organizational perpetuation.
I'm sure others could expand on this but the point is I feel varying degrees of derision and symtpathy for the humans in the org. but my ethical system requires me to be in oppostion to any group that works against human harmony and truth (harmony to the extent that it's more desirable to get along and appreciate all of our fellow travelers on this planet than giving in to our baser instincts of violence and tribalism, etc...) as a personal duty I can't dismiss.
So I oppose and "attack" them to varying degrees according to their actions in my own little way (I have enough JW relatives to keep me busy for years yet!) but I don't think I'm a "hater". It's a duty.
My father always told me that to hate someone or be angry at them is a waste of your time. All the while while you are hating, the object of your hatred goes on with their life while you waste yours.
That is why I avoid the JW religion as much as possible. But to hate is a misuse of energy.
Good way to view it.
I don't hate the Governing Body or Legal or Writing or Service department they are not the object of any hatred I know they may think so because of the threads I start,, well let me just say righ here and now, that I'm only pointing out the obvious to them,,and that my motive is not hate it may have a little "righteous indignation" but no hate. I just want to see them in prision because that will free the most if they did finally get sent up the river for all the unnessasarry death they have caused. Now if people could be freed from these guys in a larger way then that and no harm would come to the GB I would be very happy with that, recognizing that we all make mistakes,, and we can change from bad to good.
I don't hate them - they are extremely blind to what they do - not many know that they have been fed lies for years on end.
I pity them because they are so closed minded.
I love them because they are people in desperate need of release!
As for the organisation - I dislike the whole concept of organised religion - it gets distorted and the main simple truth of the gospel is totally lost.