Comments You Will Not Hear at the 5-22-05 WT Study (God's Word or word)
by blondie 22 Replies latest watchtower bible
Comments You Will Not Hear at the May 22, 2005 WT Study (April 15, 2005 issue) Review comments will be in black and parentheses () WT quotes from todays WT will be in red and quotes "" Quotes from other sources will be in blue TRUST IN JEHOVAHS WORD "I have trusted in your word." -PSALM 119:42. Then I will have an answer for everyone who insults me for trusting your word.
Psalm 119:42 (Contemporary English Version)
Opening Comments
I thought I would show again how I looked over this article.
First, OT versus NT examples.
Second, mentions of Jehovah versus Jesus.
Third, WTS buzzwords, i.e., meaning only Jehovahs Witnesses but saying Christians, Jehovahs people, etc.
Fourth, mentions of everlasting life (carrot)
Fifth, mentions of WTS issues/doctrines that conceal info, i.e., presence of Jesus began in 1874 then changed to 1914
Sixth, WTS statements that look good in print but are not practiced or have 180-degree statements elsewhere.
Seventh, missing attributions of quoted material.
JEHOVAHS word was cherished by the composer of Psalm 119. He may have been Prince Hezekiah of Judah. Sentiments expressed in this inspired song fit the spirit of Hezekiah, who "kept sticking to Jehovah" while serving as king of Judah. (2 Kings 18: 3-7) One thing is certain: The composer was conscious of his spiritual need. -Matthew 5:3.
First, OT example, Hezekiah.
May have been Prince Hezekiah
Notice how the WTS still proceeds in the article as if this is a fact and provides no discussion as to how this conclusion is arrived at.
2 A key point of Psalm 119 is the value of Gods word, or message.* (* Reference is here made to Jehovahs message, not to the entire content of the Bible--Gods Word.) Likely as a memory aid, the writer made this an alphabetic song. Its 176 verses are based on successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet. In the original Hebrew, each of the psalms 22 stanzas has 8 lines that begin with the same letter. This psalm refers to Gods word, law, reminders, ways, orders, regulations, commandments, judicial decisions, sayings, and statutes. In this article and the next, Psalm 119 will be discussed according to an accurate translation of the Hebrew Bible text. Reflecting on experiences involving Jehovahs servants past and present should enhance our appreciation for this divinely inspired song and increase our gratitude for Gods written Word, the Bible.
Gods word or message
Reference is made to Jehovahs message, not to the entire content of the Bible-Gods Word.
Gods word
When the WTS says Gods word (with small w) it does not mean the Bible
Gods Word
When the WTS says Gods Word (with capital W) it means the entire Bible.
And what is the point?
Likely a buzzword used by the WTS meaning they Bible does not say but we have decided that is true without providing the reader the information that led to their conclusion.Will be discussed according to an accurate translation of the Hebrew Bible textWhich one? Hmmmmmmmm
Jehovahs servants-means only Jehovahs Witnesses Should guilt-making vocabularyObey Gods Word and Be Happy3 True happiness depends on our walking in Gods law. (Psalm 119:1-8) If we do this, Jehovah will consider us faultless in our way. (Psalm 119:1) Being faultless does not mean that we are perfect, but it does indicate that we strive to do Jehovah Gods will. Noah "proved himself faultless among his contemporaries" as a man who "walked with the true God." That faithful patriarch and his family survived the Flood because he pursued the life course outlined by Jehovah. (Genesis 6:9; 1 Peter 3:20) Similarly, our survival of this worlds end depends on our carefully keeping Gods orders, thus doing his will.-Psalm 119:4. True happiness Depends on If we do this Walking in Gods law
And who interprets Gods law for humans?
w94 10/1 p. 8 The Bible-A Book Meant to Be Understood *** Even as Bible prophecy pointed forward to the Messiah, it also directs us to the close-knit body of anointed Christian Witnesses that now serve as the faithful and discreet slave. It helps us to understand the Word of God. All who want to understand the Bible should appreciate that the "greatly diversified wisdom of God" can become known only through Jehovahs channel of communication, the faithful and discreet slave.-John 6:68. Noah, second OT exampleBeing faultless does not mean we are perfect Insight book Volume 1 p. 817 Fault, Faultfinding *** That which Jehovah God makes is perfect, faultless (Heb., ta·mim´, referring to something sound, perfect, faultless), as are all his words and acts. (De 32:4, ftn) Strive to do Jehovah Gods will Gods will as defined by the WTS. Survived the Flood because he pursued the life course outlined by JehovahWhere was Gods earthly organization then?
Did Noah need a channel?
Similarly, our survival of this worlds end depends on our carefully keeping Gods orders, thus doing his willSimilarly our survival of the end of over of 6 billion men, women and children depends on our carefully keeping Gods orders, that can only be known through the WTS. Our survival depends on being Jehovahs Witnesses.
w89 9/1 p. 19 Remaining Organized for Survival Into the Millennium Only Jehovahs Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd," as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil. (Revelation 7:9-17; 2 Corinthians 4:4)4 Jehovah will never leave us if we laud him with uprightness of heart and continue to keep his regulations. (Psalm 119:7, 8) God did not abandon the Israelite leader Joshua, who applied the counsel to read in the book of the law day and night so that he might do all that was written in it. That made him successful and enabled him to act wisely. (Joshua 1:8) Near the end of his life, Joshua was still lauding God and could remind the Israelites: "You well know with all your hearts and with all your souls that not one word out of all the good words that Jehovah your God has spoken to you has failed." (Joshua 23: 14) Like Joshua and the writer of Psalm 119, we can find happiness and success by praising Jehovah and trusting in his word. Third OT example, Joshua Not one word out of the good words that Jehovah your God has spoken to has failedWhereas the words spoken by the WTS have failed.
1874 or 1914 presence of Christ w74 8/15 p. 507 No Spiritual "Energy Crisis" for Discreet Ones *** Christs presence was thought to have begun in October 1874, at the start of the great antitypical Jubilee. 1914 beginning or endw74 8/15 p. 507 No Spiritual "Energy Crisis" for Discreet Ones *** Hence, when C. T. Russell began publishing a new religious magazine in July 1879, it was called "Zions Watch Tower and Herald of Christs Presence." It was heralding Christs presence as having begun in 1874. This invisible presence was expected to continue until the Gentile Times ended in 1914, when the Gentile nations would be destroyed and the remnant of the "chaste virgin" class would be glorified with their Bridegroom in heaven by death and resurrection to live in the spirit. 1925 the resurrection on earth beginsThe Golden Age, March 1, 1922, p. 350 "Lo, our King is here, and the year 1925 marks the date when all shall see His mighty power demonstrated in the resurrection of the ancient worthies, and the time when millions now living will never die." 1975 w66 10/15 p. 631 Rejoicing over "Gods Sons of Liberty" Spiritual FeastWhat about the year 1975? What is it going to mean, dear friends? asked Brother Franz. Does it mean that Armageddon is going to be finished, with Satan bound, by 1975? It could! It could! All things are possible with God. Does it mean that Babylon the Great is going to go down by 1975? It could. Does it mean that the attack of Gog of Magog is going to be made on Jehovahs witnesses to wipe them out, then Gog himself will be put out of action? It could.
And dont wait till 1975. The door is going to be shut before then. As one brother put it, "Stay alive to Seventy-Five" 1914 generation w92 8/15 p. 9 From Historic Hospital to Unique Kingdom Hall *** It directs individuals to the Bibles promise that some of the generation of 1914 will be alive to see good physical and spiritual health restored to mankind. (Isaiah 33:24) The entire earth will be transformed into a paradise by millions of willing volunteers. w91 6/15 p. 7 Soon No More Sickness or Death! *** So some of the generation living in 1914 will live to see the end of the present world system.-Matthew 24:33, 34. And in 1995 w95 11/1 p. 17 A Time to Keep Awake *** Eager to see the end of this evil system, Jehovahs people have at times speculated about the time when the "great tribulation" would break out, even tying this to calculations of what is the lifetime of a generation since 1914. However, we "bring a heart of wisdom in," not by speculating about how many years or days make up a generation, but by thinking about how we "count our days" in bringing joyful praise to Jehovah. (Psalm 90:12) Rather than provide a rule for measuring time, the term "generation" as used by Jesus refers principally to contemporary people of a certain historical period, with their identifying characteristics. Trusting in his wordTrusting in the WTS word
w03 9/1 p. 13 Trust in Jehovah Completely in Times of Distress *** In the preceding article, we learned that our trust in Jehovah is manifested when we turn to him in prayer, when we seek direction from his Word, and when we look to his organization for guidance. When encountering financial distress, we can also show our trust in Jehovah by looking to the publications of "the faithful and discreet slave" for help. (Matthew 24:45) Jehovahs Word Keeps Us Clean 5 We can be spiritually clean if we keep on guard according to Gods word. (Psalm 119:9-16) This is so even if our parents have not set a good example. Although Hezekiahs father was an idolater, Hezekiah cleansed his path, possibly of pagan influences. Suppose a young person serving God today sins seriously. Repentance, prayer, parental help, and the loving assistance of Christian elders can help him to be like Hezekiah and cleanse his path and keep on guard.-James 5:13-15. Spiritually cleanIs the WTS spiritually clean? What about its actual policies about reporting child abuse? Is it dependent on Gods Word or Caesars laws? Will they have their representatives the elders/COs/DOs report abuse to the secular authorities in states that do not require it?
Whereas the WTS says a JW cannot store their blood, they are now allowed to use hemoglobin-based blood products because it is a fraction although these products are made out of outdated stored blood.
Even if our parents have not set a good exampleIs this the reason for the exodus of young JWs? Or is it the bad example/hypocrisy of adults in authority in the JW organization?
Possibly buzzword meaning the Bible does not say but the WTS is going to add to the Bible account.Young person serving God today Only JWsSins seriously Could be cast out and shunned unless the elders judge them to be repentant (not God).Loving assistance of Christian elders lied and tricked; good/bad cop tactics Blurb on page 11: Ruth, Rahab, and the Hebrew youths exiled in Babylon kept on guard according to Gods word6 Although Rahab and Ruth lived long before Psalm 119 was composed, they cleansed their path. Rahab was a Canaanite prostitute, but she became known for her faith as a worshiper of Jehovah. (Hebrews 11:30, 31) The Moabitess Ruth left her own gods, served Jehovah, and complied with his Law to Israel. (Ruth 1:14-17; 4:9-13) Both of these non-Israelite women kept on guard according to Gods word and had the wonderful privilege of becoming ancestresses of Jesus Christ-Matthew 1:1, 4-6.Fourth and fifth OT examples Ruth and RahabHow was it that 2 Israelite men married 2 Moabite women?
"No Am´mon·ite or Mo´ab·ite may come into the congregation of Jehovah. Even to the tenth generation none of theirs may come into the congregation of Jehovah to time indefinite, DEUTERONOMY 23:3
Not once do the WT publications condemn these men for disobeying God. Hmmmmmmmmm
Wonderful privilege of becoming ancestresses of Jesus Christw95 7/15 pp. 19-20 Christian Women Deserve Honor and Respect ***Today, too, when most of Gods people have an earthly hope, it would be a serious mistake for any Christian man to feel that because of the privileges he may have in the congregation, he has more value in Gods eyes than women do. (Compare Luke 17:10.) Men and women have an equal spiritual standing before God, for Jesus sacrificial death opened up to both men and women the same opportunity-that of being freed from the condemnation of sin and death, with everlasting life in view.-Romans 6:23.Women, can you think of ways that you have been made to feel second-class in the WTS organization?
7 "The inclination of the heart of man is bad from his youth up," but young people can follow a clean path, even in this corrupt world under Satans control. (Genesis 8:21; 1 John 5:19) As exiles in Babylon, Daniel and three other Hebrew youths kept on guard according to Gods word. For instance, they would not pollute themselves "with the delicacies of the king." (Daniel 1:6-10) The Babylonians ate unclean animals, forbidden by the Mosaic Law. (Leviticus 11:1-31; 20:24-26) They did not habitually bleed slaughtered animals, and their eating unbled meat violated Gods law on blood. (Genesis 9:3, 4) No wonder the four Hebrews would not partake of the kings delicacies! Those godly youths maintained spiritual cleanness and thus set a fine example.Blurb on page 12: Paul courageously spoke about Gods reminders in front of kings 6, 7, 8, 9th OT examples Daniel, Meshach, Shadrach, Abednegodid not habitually bleed slaughtered animals their eating unbled meat violated Gods law on bloodBut Jews could sell unbled meat to non-Jews.
Does that mean JWs could donate their blood to non-JWs?
w64 11/15 pp. 682-683 Employment and Your Conscience *** Christians in the medical profession are individually responsible for employment decisions. They must bear the consequences of decisions made, in keeping with the principle at Galatians 6:5. Some doctors who are Jehovahs witnesses have administered blood transfusions to persons of the world upon request. However, they do not do so in the case of one of Jehovahs dedicated witnesses. In harmony with Deuteronomy 14:21, the administering of blood upon request to worldly persons is left to the Christian doctors own conscience.Gods Word an Aid to Faithfulness 8 Fondness for Gods word is an important factor in keeping us faithful to Jehovah. (Psalm 119:17-24) If we are like the inspired songwriter, we will yearn to understand "the wonderful things" of Gods law. We will constantly long for Jehovahs judicial decisions and show a fondness for his reminders. (Psalm 119:18, 20, 24) If we have been dedicated to Jehovah for even a short time, have we formed a longing for the unadulterated milk belonging to the word? (1 Peter 2:1, 2) We need to understand elementary Bible teachings so that we can be in a better position to comprehend and apply Gods law. Faithful to Jehovah
The WTS says you cannot be faithful to God without going through them.
km 9/02 p. 8 Avoid the Pursuit of "Valueless Things" *** Gods Appointed Channel: Bear in mind that our heavenly Father has an appointed channel of communication, "the faithful and discreet slave." That "slave" has the responsibility to determine what information is made available to the household of faith, as well as "the proper time" for it to be dispensed. This spiritual food is available only through the theocratic organization. We should always look to Gods appointed channel for reliable information, not to a network of Internet users.-Matt. 24:45. Jehovahs judicial decisionsAs handed down by the elders
w99 6/1 p. 17 Appreciating the "Gifts in Men" *** What about being submissive when it comes to judicial decisions? Granted, this may not be easy, especially if a decision is made to disfellowship someone we love-a relative or a close friend. Here again, it is best to yield to the judgment of the "gifts in men." They are in a position to be more objective than we can be, and they may know more of the facts. These brothers often agonize over such decisions; it is a sobering responsibility to judge for Jehovah. (2 Chronicles 19:6) Reminders buzzword meaning meetingsNeed to understand elementary Bible teachingsIs this a clue that long-time JWs cannot explain how 1914 is arrived at?
In a better position to comprehend and apply Gods lawBut only if they use WTS publications
9 We may be fond of Gods reminders, but what if "princes" speak against us for some reason? (Psalm 119:23, 24) Today, people in authority often try to force us to put human laws above the law of God. When there is a conflict between the demands of man and the will of God, what will we do? Our fondness for Gods word will help us to remain faithful to Jehovah. Like Jesus Christs persecuted apostles, we will say: "We must obey God as ruler rather than men."-Acts 5:29. Reminders Princes speak against us People in authority often try to force us to put human laws above the law of God 10 We can remain faithful to Jehovah even under the most trialsome circumstances. (Psalm 119:25-32) If we are going to succeed in maintaining our integrity to God, we must be teachable and pray earnestly for his instruction. We must also choose "the way of faithfulness."-Psalm 119:26, 30. Faithful to Jehovah or faithful to the WTS?Integrity to God or integrity to the WTS? 11 Hezekiah, who may have written Psalm 119, chose "the way of faithfulness." He did so even though he was surrounded by false worshipers and may have been ridiculed by members of the royal court. Very likely, his soul was sleepless from grief because of such circumstances. (Psalm 119:28) But Hezekiah trusted in God, was a good king, and did "what was right in Jehovahs eyes." (2 Kings 18:1-5) With reliance on God, we too can endure trials as integrity keepers. -James 1:5-8. Who may have written Proof?Surrounded by false worshipers other Jews not Gentiles; the agony of JWs who know the WTS is teaching lies but cannot leaveMay have been ridiculed by members of the royal court buzzword meaning the Bible does not say but the WTS is now going to add to the Bible; a technique they use each summer at the district convention when presenting the BIBLE drama.Trusted in God but not his religious organizationWhat was right in Jehovahs eyes which is not always synonymous with what is right in the WTS eyes Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world. 1 JOHN 4:1Jehovahs Word Imparts Courage 12 Following the guidance of Gods word gives us the courage needed to cope with lifes trials. (Psalm 119:33-40) We humbly seek Jehovahs instruction so that we can keep his law "with the whole heart." (Psalm 119:33, 34) Like the psalmist, we ask of God: "Incline my heart to your reminders, and not to profits," or "unjust profit." (Psalm 119:36; footnote) Like the apostle Paul, we "conduct ourselves honestly in all things." (Hebrews 13:18) If an employer wants us to do something dishonest, we muster up courage to adhere to Gods directions--and Jehovah always blesses such a course. In fact, he helps us to keep all bad inclinations under control. Let us therefore pray: "Make my eyes pass on from seeing what is worthless." (Psalm 119:37) Never would we want to view as desirable any worthless thing hated by God. (Psalm 97:10) Among other things, this moves us to avoid pornography and spiritistic practices.-1 Corinthians 6:9, 10; Revelation 21:8. Guidance of Gods word Or his organization (many references)w03 9/1 p. 13 Make Jehovah Your Confidence *** We do so in our prayers and in the way we look to Jehovahs Word and to his organization for guidance. w02 10/15 p. 18 Jehovah Cares for You *** By letting Gods Word guide us and by staying active with his visible organization, we can be sure that he will always be there to support us. Seek Jehovahs instruction or the organizationsConduct ourselves honestly in all things
Unless you are one of those the WTS deems not entitled to know.
Insight book Volume 2 p. 244 Lie *** Lying generally involves saying something false to a person who is entitled to know the truth13 Accurate knowledge of Gods word gives us confidence to witness courageously. (Psalm 119:41-48) And we do need courage to answer the one reproaching us. (Psalm 119:42) At times, we may be like Jesus persecuted disciples, who prayed: "Jehovah, . . . grant your slaves to keep speaking your word with all boldness." The result? "They were one and all filled with the holy spirit and were speaking the word of God with boldness." The same Sovereign Lord gives us the courage to speak his word with boldness. -Acts 4:24-31. Accurate knowledge of Gods word only as explained by the WTSAnswer the one reproaching usKeep speaking your word with all boldnessCourage to speak his wordThe increase in the developed nations is coming to a grinding halt. The reason, per the WTS, JWs are cowards.
14 We will have the courage needed to give a witness without any fear of shame if we cherish "the word of truth" and keep Gods law constantly. (Psalm 119:43, 44) Diligent study of Gods written Word equips us to speak about his reminders in front of kings. (Psalm 119:46) Prayer and Jehovahs spirit will also help us to say the right things in a proper way. (Matthew 10:16-20; Colossians 4:6) Paul courageously spoke about Gods reminders to first-century rulers. For example, he witnessed to Roman Governor Felix, who "listened to him on the belief in Christ Jesus." (Acts 24:24,25) Paul also gave a witness before Governor Festus and King Agrippa. (Acts 25:22-26:32) With Jehovahs backing, we too can be courageous witnesses, never "ashamed of the good news."-Romans 1:16. Courage needed to give a witness without any fear of shamePrayer and Jehovahs spirit will also help us to say the right thingsTranslation JWs arent studying, arent praying, and dont have Gods spirit and arent saying things in a proper way. If they were, there would be an increase.Gods Word Gives Us Comfort
15 Jehovahs Word provides unfailing comfort. (Psalm 119:49-56) There are times when we especially need to be comforted. Although we courageously speak out as Witnesses of Jehovah, "presumptuous ones"--those acting presumptuously toward God--sometimes deride us in the extreme. (Psalm 119:51) While praying, however, we may recall positive things said in Gods Word, and we thus find comfort for ourselves. (Psalm 119:52) During our supplications, we may remember a Scriptural law or principle that gives us the comfort and courage needed in a stressful situation.
Times when we especially need to be comfortedWell, dont hold your breath waiting for the elders to hold your hand; if they do come they will tell you it is your fault.
Presumptuous ones buzzword mean apostates, anyone who does not agree with the WTS 100%; disagreeing with the WTS means disagreeing with God.We thus find comfort for ourselves then why do we need the elders; is their function merely to berate the rank and file from the platform?Remember a Scriptural law or principle like no beards on men? 16 The presumptuous ones who derided the psalmist were Israelites--members of a nation dedicated to God. What a shame! Unlike them, however, let us be determined never to deviate from Gods law. (Psalm 119: 51) In the face of Nazi persecution and similar treatment through the years, thousands of Gods servants have refused to deviate from the laws and principles found in Gods Word. (John 15:18-21) And it is no burden to obey Jehovah, for his regulations are like comforting melodies to us.-Psalm 119:54; 1 John 5:3. Presumptuous ones----were Israelites-members of a nation dedicated to God.Unlike them----never to deviate from Gods law.The WTS does one better, they add to Gods law.
Nazi persecution from 1934 WTS Letter to Hitler reprinted on 1934 Yearbook
The greatest and the most oppressive empire on earth is the Anglo-American empire. By that is meant the British Empire, of which the United States of America forms a part. It has been the commercial Jews of the British-American empire that have built up and carried on Big Business as a means of exploiting and oppressing the peoples of many nations. This fact particularly applies to the cities of London and New York, the stronghold of Big Business. This fact is so manifest in America that there is a proverb concerning the city of New York which says: The Jews own it, the Irish Catholics rule it, and the Americans pay the bills.Be Grateful for Jehovahs Word 17 We prove our gratitude for Gods word by observing it. (Psalm 119:57-64) The psalmist promised to keep Jehovahs words and even at midnight he got up to thank God for His righteous judicial decisions. If we awaken at night, what a fine opportunity we have to express gratitude to God in prayer! (Psalm 119:57, 62) Our appreciation for Gods word moves us to seek divine teaching and makes us the joyful partners of those fearing Jehovah--individuals having reverential awe for God. (Psalm 119:63, 64) Who could find better company on earth? Prove our gratitude for Gods word by observing it
Prove our gratitude for Gods word by doing what the WTS says the Bible says.
Seek divine teaching only through the WTS organization throughWho could find better company on earth?According to the WTS no one is better than they are and their members. The rest are all corpses as a CO said from the platform recently.
18 When we pray with all our heart and humbly ask Jehovah to teach us, we are softening his face with the thought of enjoying his favor. We especially need to pray when the very ropes of the wicked ones surround us. (Psalm 119:58, 61) Jehovah can cut enemy ropes of restraint and free us for the Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making work. (Matthew 24:14; 28:19, 20) This has been demonstrated repeatedly in lands where our work has been banned.Have Faith in Gods Word 19 Faith in God and his word helps us to endure affliction and to do his will. (Psalm 119:65-72) Although presumptuous ones had smeared him with falsehood, the psalmist sang: "It is good for me that I have been afflicted." (Psalm 119:66, 69, 71) How could it be good for any of Jehovahs servants to suffer affliction? Endure affliction
Affliction from within the organization. Sister DoesntSmell wont let your children play with hers for fear of contamination because your husband is not a JW; you dont have a husband and she is afraid you are after hers; Elder EntertainsALot has invited every family but yours to his house although you have entertained his family 5 times at your home; Sister Nosy has run to the elders 5 times this year to accuse your family of possible wrongdoing which turns out to be mistaken identity or total fabrication; Brother Businessman hires your son to do some work around his house and then stiffs him and the elders tell you to eat the loss for the sake of peace in the congregation.
Smeared him with falsehoodAnd what falsehoods does the WTS mean?
That they havent changed their policy on blood bit by bit so that in essence a JW can take in all the fractions of blood, just separately.
20 When we suffer affliction, we undoubtedly supplicate Jehovah earnestly, and that draws us closer to him. We may spend more time studying Gods written Word and may make greater effort to apply it. This results in a happier life. But what if we react to affliction in a way that shows up undesirable traits, such as impatience and pride? With earnest prayer and the help of Gods Word and spirit, we can overcome such flaws and more fully clothe ourselves with the new personality. (Colossians 3:9-14) Moreover, our faith is strengthened when we endure adversity. (1 Peter 1:6, 7) Paul benefited from his tribulations because they made him more dependent on Jehovah. (2 Corinthians 1:8-10) Do we allow suffering to have a good effect on us? Suffer affliction Spend more time studying Gods written Word Make greater effort to apply it Results in happier lifeWell isnt that the standard line from the elders if they do come to encourage you?
Undesirable traits, such as impatience and pride Overcome such flawsYes, your affliction is YOUR FAULT.
Do we allow suffering to have a good effect on us?Yes, view the unloving things done to you by your fellow JWs as a good thing.
Always Trust in Jehovah 21 Gods word gives us a sound basis for trust in Jehovah. (Psalm 119:73-80) If we really trust in our Creator, we will have no reason for shame. Because of what others do, however, we need comfort and may feel like praying: "Let the presumptuous ones be ashamed." (Psalm 119:76-78) When Jehovah puts such ones to shame, this results in the exposure of their evil ways and in the sanctification of his holy name. We can be sure that persecutors of Gods people really do not gain anything. For example, they never have--and never will--put an end to Jehovahs Witnesses, who trust in God with all their heart.-Proverbs 3:5, 6. If we really trust in our Creator trust in the WTSHave no reason from shame Shame, shame on us if we do not trust the WTSExposure of their evil ways
For books that do that go here
Persecutors of Gods people do not gain anything but people who expose the evil ways of the WTS are just glad for even one person whose eyes are opened.They never have-and never will-put an end to Jehovahs WitnessesBut the WTS should be concerned that God will put an end to the WTS.
22 Gods word strengthens our trust in him when we are persecuted. (Psalm 119:81-88) Because presumptuous ones were persecuting him, the psalmist felt "like a skin bottle in the smoke." (Psalm 119:83, 86) In Bible times, bottles made of animal hide were used to hold water, wine, and other liquids. When not in use, these bottles might shrivel up if hung near a fire in a room lacking a chimney. Does hardship or persecution ever make you feel "like a skin bottle in the smoke"? If so, trust in Jehovah, and pray: "According to your loving-kindness preserve me alive, that I may keep the reminder of your mouth." -Psalm 119:88. Persecuted The worst persecution I ever endured was from people who claimed to be my friends and worshipers of God. Trust in God not the WTS Realize that trusting God is not the same as trusting in the WTS. If the writer had trusted in the Jews of his time, he would have been found disobeying God. 23 What we have considered in the first half of Psalm 119 shows that Jehovah exercises loving-kindness toward his servants because they trust in his word and are fond of his statutes, reminders, commandments, and laws. (Psalm 119:16, 47, 64, 70, 77, 88) He is pleased that those devoted to him keep on guard according to his word. (Psalm 119:9, 17, 41, 42) As you look forward to a study of the rest of this beautiful psalm, you might well ask yourself, Do I really let Jehovahs word light my roadway? His servants only JWsDo I really let Jehovahs word light my roadway? Or WTS publications?Concluding Comments
Do you get the message?
Trusting in God means Trusting in the WTS
Trusting in Gods Word means Trusting only in WTS publications
WTS = WeSaySo Corporation
Next week will also feature those who have drifted; haughty, ungodly people/apostasy; half-hearted ones, lukewarm, professing Christians; not being independent; being stumbled; lost sheep.
Have a good weekend! Love, BlondieHow Would You Answer? On what does true happiness depend? How does Jehovahs word keep us spiritually clean? In what ways does Gods word impart courage and comfort? Why should we have faith in Jehovah and his word? Questions 1. What can you say about the identity and spirit of the writer of Psalm 119? 2. What is the theme of Psalm 119, and how is this song designed? 3. Explain and illustrate what it means to be faultless. 4. Our happiness and success depend on what? 5. (a) Show how it is possible to keep spiritually clean, (b) What help is there for a young person who has sinned seriously? 6. What women cleansed their path and kept on guard according to Gods word? 7. How did Daniel and three other Hebrew youths set a fine example in maintaining spiritual cleanness? 8. What attitude and knowledge do we need if we are to comprehend and apply Gods law? 9. How should we react when there is a conflict between Gods law and human demands? 10, 11. Illustrate how we can maintain integrity to Jehovah under the most trialsome circumstances. 12. How can we personally apply Psalm 119:36, 37? 13. How did Jesus persecuted disciples get the courage needed to witness boldly? 14. What helps us to witness courageously, as Paul did? 15. How can Gods Word bring comfort when others deride us? 16. What have Gods servants not done despite persecution? 17. Appreciation for Gods word moves us to do what? 18. How does Jehovah answer our prayers when the ropes of the wicked surround us? 19, 20. How can it be good to be afflicted? 21. What happens when God puts presumptuous ones to shame? 22. In what sense was the psalmist "like a skin bottle in the smoke"? 23. What have we considered in reviewing Psalm 119:1-88, and what might we ask ourselves as we look forward to studying Psalm 119:89-176? -
Blondie, you did it again!
It's a pleasure reading your reviews, your insights and commentary are 'spot on!'
fabulous blondie -hope to thank you in prson at the wisconsin fest
Oh great. We can expect greater shunning of the weak ones then. I can hardly wait for that.
I am on study-hiatus right now. Until my hubby can prove to me that the WTS is a loving organization. I feel so, so, so....unsullied.
Thank you Blondie for these weekly studies of the WT -- I look forward to reading your new posts each week. You are great and I feel fortunate to have discovered your work here on this forum.
have we formed a longing for the unadulterated milk belonging to the word?
But, as you've clearly shown once again, the milk provided by "mother" is NOT unadulterated.
My dictionary defines adulterated as " make inferior (or) not genuine by adding a harmful...substance...."
The WTS writers are experts at doing just that.
The presumptuous ones who derided the psalmist were Israelites--members of a nation dedicated to God. What a shame! Unlike them, however, let us be determined never to deviate from Gods law.
I wonder what the mondern day application of this is?
Could it be that there are members of God's "modern nation" who are presumptuous?
Presumptuous is defined as: "Going beyond what is right or proper; excessively forward." -The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Has the FDS ever gone "beyond what is right"?*** g93 3/22 p. 11 Why Such Eager Expectation of the New World? ***
No wonder their eagerness is so great that they are prone to set early dates for its arrival! Now, however, there are not just bits and pieces of the sign of its incoming to tempt us into sounding false alarms. Now we can see the complete composite sign unfolding to give solid foundation for our eager expectation of this wicked world's end and Jehovah's new world to supplant it.
Was the Psalmist in the minority compared to these presumptious ones?(Psalm 119:21-24) . . .You have rebuked the cursed presumptuous ones, Who are straying from your commandments. 22 Roll off me reproach and contempt, For I have observed your own reminders. 23 Even princes have sat; against me they have spoken with one another. As for your servant, he concerns himself with your regulations. 24 Also, your reminders are what I am fond of, As men of my counsel.
Who would be the modern equivalent of "the princes" who "have sat against me"? Could the princes have been a part of "God's nation" Isreal? Does that not point to the FDS?
How presumptuous indeed for the very antigonist of Psalm 119 to publish this article. Roll off your reproach and shame indeed. -
I'm consistently amazed at the putrid, lukewarm, inane, blathering of the WTBS. Is there any good scriptural, upbuilding info in this article? It seems completely self-serving. But am I just to bitter to see it???
BTW, thanks for the work Blondie