I am trying to think of a good question to ask and elder that would be really tough for them to answer. Something hard to spin. After alot of thought one good one i came up with is this. The WTS says that the anointed are chosen by Christ and that they are the FDS. They also say that the teachings of the FDS should be taken as coming directly from God. Now the problem is that the WTS has recently come up with the idea that the anointed can be replaced. They say that they are replaced because people have given up thier anointments, so i am going to assume that anointed people who gave up that postition were df'd or da'd for not obeying Jehovah please correct me if im wrong. So if they were led away by Satans influence, which would have to be the case, then how can we know when this influence started? My question is how can we be sure that we are reading Jehovas word from the FDS if the FDS can be influenced by satan? Obviously they did whatever they were doing wrong while in the office of FDS, so could they have been giving us tainted messages? Could they still be now? How do we know? Anyone have any thoughts on if this is a good question?
Question for elders
by gringojj 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You: Hard question for elder
Elder: I don't know the answer to that one; I'll have to do some research and come back.
You (2 years later): still waiting for him to come back.
Blondie what do you think of this question?
I think the question is good but leaves them ways out because everything is hypathetical.
How about this question: Why will Jehovah put people to death if they believe some wrong doctrines? How about if a person has a few right and a few wrong why would God destroy him if he is suposed to be very merciful??
If this is true then it makes salvation hinge apon a good test score on a quize.
I don't think it's an effective question but Blondie may disagree with me.... whenever you do a hypothetical question like this their JW circular reasoning will kick and come back to "Trust in Jah". How can you overcome this?
I would ask questions that can be answered from their own publications. Like the UN thing. Or the flip flop on blood and organ transplant. Or the ranting against vaccines and then say...if they were wrong about that....how do we know they aren't wrong on blood.
I've been finding asking them to show me how Jerusalem somehow fell in 607 to be effective.
If they have to reason on their own (most) Dub's don't have the ability to do so. I would rather have them find the discrepencies within their own publication matched with secular ones. How can they refute written words like that? -
I dont think its really hypothetical. I can basically make it a yes or no question. Given the facts in the beginning, is it possible that the words of the FDS of the WTS could be tainted by satan. Given the fact that the WTS is wrong alot and they change thier minds, is it likely that thier words are tainted by satan?
Now the problem is that the WTS has recently come up with the idea that the anointed can be replaced.
Actually, the replacement concept has been around since 1935. Even before that the first cutoff date was 1881 and any called after that were considered replacements.
jv chap. 28 p. 632 Testing and Sifting From Within ***It was also reasoned that the end of God?s special favor to natural Israel down to 36 C.E. might point to 1881 as the time when the special opportunity to become part of spiritual Israel would close.
The thing is that no human can determine that a person has been replaced; even though JWs love to judge. So it leaves it up in the air and many a JW has slipped in as an anointed replacement because there is no way to verify it.
Obviously they did whatever they were doing wrong while in the office of FDS, so could they have been giving us tainted messages? Could they still be now?
Two powerful questions!
A literal reading of history - including especially the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures - shows that apostasy has its most potent flowering within the "chosen" people themselves: Look at lone Ezekiel's warnings to God's then people.
Now, the way in which Watchtower sees itself as above apostasy - which would indeed be a unique historical occurrence - is a startling clue that the Watchtower is itself prone to "apostasy".
The point is that the WTS says that there can be replacements. So if someone were df'd or da'd and claimed they were anointed, they were doing something wrong while a being a member of the FDS. Jesus is only the mediator to the anointed, as they are the FDS. So my question is is it possible or even likely that the teachings that come from the FDS are tainted by the devil?
The "faithful" slave did not get the designation "faithful" until AFTER the test. Then he was faithful by FACT not by CLAIM. If he had not been faithful, he would not have been called faithful.
SO . . . the idea that a faithful slave could become unfaithful is laughable since being unfaithful is the description of the evil slave. There is no parable of a "faithful" slave losing his "faithful" designation.
SO . . . the idea of the faithful slave being "replaced" is hilarious. Nobody was replaced. An evil slave was identified, that's all.
Ask for the scripture that clearly says the faithful slave class is also the "anointed" class. In fact ask for a scripture that "clearly" proves any Watch Tower claim.
Play theme for JAWS when elders are flipping through the REASONING book.