Coldplay and Saturday Night Live

by prophecor 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • PaulJ

    Pleased to hear you are all getting into Coldplay. Amazing bad, i have their albums and a live dvd. their new single has is just about to be released over here and its very very good. If you like Coldplay a lot, we have another band over here that are very similar called Athlete. They have released 2 albums- "Vehicles and Animals" and "Tourist"... try and track them down if you are interested.

    Anyone else on here heard of and like Athlete?

  • JV

    Yup, Paul, i've just bought the new Athlete album, Wires is a great song. If it's from Britian i'm all over it.

  • lonelysheep

    I fell asleep after the intro!

  • heatherg

    I think you're right about SNL going through cycles. I still think the funniest was all the shows that had Adam Sandler, the big guy from Tommy Boy, and David something or other. Having major mental block today, sorry!!

    Those guys made me laugh the hardest.

    On another note, Coldplay rocks!!! hg

  • tijkmo

    yep..paul i got athlete...heard wires...(its on my saddest song list)

    got their first cd..which in my opinion is truly awful

    had already bought tickets to see got the new cd...which is great

    they were gr8 at gig (had my first hug a stranger experience during wires)

    will see them again in aug at v festival

  • Sirona

    I saw Coldplay years ago in Manchester, before their first album came out. They were psyched because they were just becoming famous! The lead singer sang a song to his girlfriend (then girlfriend, before he met paltrow LOL) and he was saying stuff like "hey guys, we're famous! oh my god!"

    Needless to say he thinks he is the bees knees now and has dumped the old girlie.


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