I hate downunder because when I post a thread at 10.10pm - NOBODY else is up to respond & I get bored & go to bed & by the time I log on tomorrow - my thread will have been forgotten ...
I Hate Downunder!
by JW83 36 Replies latest jw friends
Ahhhhh you poor thing. Its definitely in the timing,
I have the same problem
Well thanks for responding to me, Vitty! I thought I was all alone in the universe ...
That's when you do a btt.
Now if we had chat, we could.......chat !!!!
What's a btt? (see how out of the loop I am?!!)
What's a btt? (see how out of the loop I am?!!)
That means "Bump To the Top" - it is used to show that the post was used primarily to move you thread back to the top of the list of recent posts.
HOWEVER.... I prefer to view it as the sound someone makes when they stick out their tongue and blow. Btttttttttt.
Thanks Elsewhere.
Hi JW!
I can sympathise with you, it's something that's irked me for some time. I've found myself closeted in my study at unearthly hours just to be able to interact with our "wordwide association". Imagine the difficulty I have in helping with moderating. By the time we wake up, most "the action" has already taken place and is over and done with. I spend much of my time playing catch-up with my northern hemisphere friends.
The reality is though that most of JWD members (and we love 'em all!) are in different time zones (to us).
We have a choice, do we put up with the difficulties or perhaps resurrect our own board. We had one formerly operated by Uncle Bruce which is now dormant which operated much like H20 - you know, cut and thrust, humor, no moderation and so on. Perhaps we could talk about it when we evntually get down your way.
Having said all that, i personally feel that JWD fills the need of a worldwide community so well, that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages (for us).
But maybe this discussion will help our northern friends be aware of the great difficulties we experience living so far away from the rest of the world.
But then, we live in the best country in the world, eh? That's the compensation for all our trouble, methinks.
Cheers, Ozzie (permanently upside down class)