JW love in action: JWs fail to inform me when roommate of two years dies

by seattleniceguy 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • diamondblue1974
    there was a local needs recently in my last hall about how to treat df ones...no-one in hall could work out why it had been given..then someone recalled that at a recent funeral df-ed grandchildren of the deceased had attended..not only df but also suicide attempting mentally ill child abuse victims and you know what some decent jws had dared to comfort them

    so obviously a local needs talk had to be given because lets face it that is unacceptable..sic..(in more ways that 1)

    That is absolutely sickening; there is no scriptual basis for such treatment and even where such treatment is intimated in the bible, this is surely would be such a time whereby the dubs could follow christs example where he helped the infirm (spiritually or physically). It just goes to show doesnt it that the purpose of disfellowshipping isnt to spiritually rehabilitate but to ostracize and shun those who dare question or fail to abide by WTS rules.

    True Colours shine through with the WTS.


  • DannyHaszard

    Regarding my disabled beloved Mother's Jehovah's Witness funeral.

    Not only was i not invited to the services,i wasn't allowed to know even what year she died!

    I had to wait for the data base to come up to speed two years after her death in 2002 to even know when she had passed away.

    Baring Teeth Think long-slow-and-hard about why i hate them so much.This is the worst depravity to emasculate a man so as to deny him the right to grieve his mother's death.

    The Jehovah's Witnesses cult are malicious and willfull wanton cruel bastards.They make the Taliban look tame.

    They will rebut my threads in 'worldly' forums and flat out deny [lie] that they break up familys.


    Tombstone Rest in peace my Mother Mary Ann Haszard your beloved devoted son Danny Haszard i will preserve your memory in cyberland forever,and see you in Heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ

    Flowers For Mom

  • Gill

    I was going to ask you Danny why you weren't in contact with your mother, then I realised, she wasn't allowed to speak to you. Sometimes when you've been out of wacko land for a few years you forget the insanity of their behaviour.

    My husbands grandfather died about a month ago, and we had been in contact by phone regularly with him, even though he was a devout JW. When he died, the manager in charge of the care home was told not to tell my husband he had died by my husband's mother. After a little 'encouragement' from my husband they spilt the beans.

    I know I've posted on this before, but there was NO funeral, he was sent to his cremation on his own and not even an elder of MS or JW friend turned up. Just us 'nobodys' and a wonderful Church of England Minister who came because 'I couldn't bear to think of him going on his last journey on his own.' No sevice, nothing. And he had been a JW for over 90 years.

    There 'may' be a memorial service at the KH in a month or so, but that's it. what sense does that make?

    JWs are so mentally mixed up it's incredible.

    Sorry seattleniceguy, and everyone else for all your pain. Seems that even when you've left them they still manage to kick you now and again when they get the chance.

  • Honesty
    JWs claim to be the happiest, most well-adjusted people on earth. And yet when the rest of us see their actions, we cannot but stagger in grief over their total lack of humanity. Witnesses of God, they! What God could possibly be as heartless as those people who have been so conditioned by the Watchtower Society as to be devoid of all traits of love and compassion? Love in action! Jehovah's Witnesses do not know the meaning of the word.

    It breaks my heart when I hear about people who do not have the decency to inform family members of a loved one's death. Most of these same people would be totally different if they had not allowed themselves to be so mislead by the apostate cult known as Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • JAVA

    Many years ago the CO and I were going over the congregation records at the start of his visit. An older brother that served a lifetime as a JW died a few weeks before the CO's visit, and his service record was still in the file. The CO wanted to know why he didn't report time during the past month, and I told him he died. Without a word, the CO dropped the service record of this old faithful brother into the trash can. He didn't say he was sorry about his passing or anything else. Just a file in the trash can! After our meeting I pulled the record from the trash and gave it to the old brother's spouse later that week.

    As already stated in this thread, if you're not attending meetings and goose-stepping to the Tower, you don't exist. They say that dead men don't talk, but I think they speak volumes about the so-called love fostered by the Watchtower Society and their followers.

    I'm sorry about the losses many have had, and your treatment. Indeed, the Watchtower Society is known for "its' works."

  • DannyHaszard

    {{I was going to ask you Danny why you weren't in contact with your mother, then I realised, she wasn't allowed to speak to you. Sometimes when you've been out of wacko land for a few years you forget the insanity of their behaviour.}}}

    I had not heard or seen from my 100% JW clan since my purge in early 1992.I used the "poor man's" supeona AKA certified letter return receipt requested to try to track them down.

    I am a damn good apprentice detective and i could not find them,it was like they fell off the face of the Earth.

    Some of the woman are married and i don't know their married names.

    Know this,their ability to stay MIA was due to coaching by their elders who get the lowdown from WT legal whores.

    If you know the status of any of the Haszard clan they may be in southwest Florida please contact me [email protected]


    Below is a submission into my website guestbook that is unedited from someone who alleges to be a family member,That is impersonating my long lost nephew.

    OPEN YOUR EYES! This is what the Jehovah's Witnesses are really like.

    09 Dec 2003
    Remote User:

    Im not lost to the "cult" you refer to as Jehovah's Witnesses. Im not activly praticing the religion. And by the way. Your mother (my grandmother) died this year. Take my name off your web page along with my pictures of me and my family. Im not a little boy anymore as you probably think I am. Im 6'1" 220 lbs, i lift 5 days a week work construction and ride a Harley and a active member of the Hells Angels(Watch Yourself. Get your facts together. And for the public viewing your web page... and yes im a HASZARD... Everything Danny is accusing the family of and Jehovah's Witnesses of is compleat bullshit(Takes a molester to know a molester?), keep in mind im an outsider to the religion... There is so much people dont know about you... I've never thought anything bad about you Dan, i even looked up to you as i was growing up, but I find your web page sick, your the only psycho path, and your a disgrace to the family. Your Dead To Us. Do us all a favor and stick your shit bag and suffacate yourself... -Kevin-

  • Mary

    If such a God does exist, he surely must hang his head in embarrassment over these his people.

    Amen brother.

  • lawrence

    I too was later told of a dear friend's death through round about ways. It hurts. I thought of my days out washing windows (pioneering) and Herb and you living there, and wrote this for both of you. peace to all of you who have suffered because of these men.

    and now free to see

    window washing with 80 year old J.W. elder Herb

    a gardener, a planter of seeds, he believed Truth

    "house to house, door to door" he would hum and sing

    through years of District Conventions, baptisms

    and New Light shared in magazines, piled in corners

    passed to those on the street, those met at the store

    Brooklyn's wisdom quoted to neighbors in the garden

    as they left with bags of produce blessed by Herb

    departed, but not unloved, and now free to see

    Eternity; without man's rules, gone mad since Eden

  • bikerchic

    I'm sorry to hear you've lost such a dear old friend sng.

    Herb was a local legend. Everyone in the local congregations knew him, and almost everyone knew me. I personally am well acquainted with many elders in multiple local congregations where Herb and I used to go, who surely must have thought about me briefly as they considered Herb's death. And yet no one - not even the most decent one of the lot - had the human compassion or consideration to tell me about it.

    I wouldn't have personally immediately gone to the place where you did with this information being with held from you by the locals in the Congregation. It could be that because of your involvement with Herb having bought his home they figured you already knew of Herb's passing figuring that you and he might still keep in touch with each other regarding the house. I doubt anyone was trying to hurt you and maybe it's just the shock of it all that has gotten you upset.

    Anyway I just wanted to offer my condolences.

  • upside/down
    If such a God does exist, he surely must hang his head in embarrassment over these his people.


    Never forget it's all about CONTROL... they have info and don't share it to show you that they are the "gate keepers" of "christian love". Either you submit and come back to the fold or....NO SOUP FOR YOU! (Soup NAZI- Seinfeld)

    Good riddance to the brood.

    u/d (of the feels your pain class)

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