Roberta Flack sang that song in the 1970's. Today, it's the anthem for Jehovah's Witnesses in the "worldwide brotherhood". This religion says they are different. They personify love. They are part of "Jehovah's loving Organization". The truth is, I've NEVER heard so many Witnesses disillusioned with the "lack of love" exhibited by the elders and "the friends". ("The friends" sounds so cultish)........Did you eventually leave the Organization because of the lack of love??
Where Is The Love?
by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends
)........Did you eventually leave the Organization because of the lack of love??
That was one of many reason . I remember the people that recruited my husband and myself would tell us how much love there was among the jws so i was expecting real people that truly loved each other . What i found was that nobody really cared about each other except to keep them in their graps and to spy . It was deplorable and a huge lie and love is a word they don't have a clue as to it's meaning.
Love - there are 4 types - we all know them - the witnesses are very "intellectual" on the different types & what they mean, but when it actually comes to showing these various types of love they fall horribly short. They cannot express it - Looking back I've never truly been shown this love by them, no one has come to my aid when they've seen me battling lugging stuff around at assemblies (being a single sister - perhaps it was because I didn't look right).
Even when I went back for a short stint - I noticed that they all remained in their groups or cliques, no one really bothered to get to know the old ones, or they would speak to them at the halls and thought that was enough. If you are not in the clique you didn't socialise. When I went back for that very short period my eyes & heart had opened already and my heart truly bled for "my bothers" and how they treated each other. Boundries, walls, it was shocking. And they were supposed to die for me - they never would!
I remember there was this one old sister - she gave such simple answers as she had a slight mental problem and not many people would chat to her. My heart was so moved by her that I went up to her and said "my sister, thank you so much for giving me your best answer, I appreciate it that you took the time and effort to answer" (her eyes teared over & she thanked me, that's when my eyes teared and I grabbed her hand and asked her what her name was and took an interest in her) No one else gave her time. My heart still aches for those old dears - I think to myself, who will chat to them & try make them smile & have genuine affection for them......
I left because I wanted to be happy and guilt-free. But I really notice how self-righteous and smug they are since I've left. I see a JW doing streetwork at the lightrail station every morning when I am there, and she has that fake smile on her face, you know that 'I'm so holy because I'm out here talking to these evil worldly people' attitude. I am tempted to get into a conversation with her so she will know I'm an apostate; maybe she will find another corner to preach in so I won't have to see her there every day?
Where is the love,
you said was mine all mine, till the end of time
was it just a lie
where is the love -
The lack of love didn't cause me to leave............but it started me checking out all the exJW sites like H20, Randy's and Shaun's, and the rest is history.
When I wrote a letter to the PO and the other elders, telling them that I had not had a JW stop or call (with the exception of calling for my "time") and that it had been months. I told them that NOW it was my choice and I wanted to be left alone to make up my mind about some things that affected my life.
The stampede was ON, they called on the phone, they banged on the door at all times of day and night and even pestered my nonJW hubby at work because I completely ignored them.
I didn't see this as acts f love, I saw it as badgering and harrassment.
LouBelle, what you experienced is the reason many of us stayed in longer than we wanted to. So many good people are hurting.
Towards the tail end of my involvement with these idiots someone complained (Debbie O. a pioneer sister) to the elders, who then talked to me about our group always sitting together and in the same seats!?!? Our little group was 4 or 5 people (all early 20's and single) and usually we were all there about 85% to 90% of the time, but we usually sat in the same row about 3/4 of the way back in the hall. Somehow we needed to take the lead in the congo by breaking apart and sitting with other people and in various parts of the KH. This is when I realized no matter WHAT we did, it would never be good enough. So young, single brothers who both went to school and worked full time making most of the meetings and going out in service 8 to 12 hours a month each. Nope not good enough! Get shite you bastards!!!!
definitely the lack of love is why i dont attend meetings anymore.
i spent 4 years while my ex was df'd going to the meetings, service, raising my kids and NO ONE in that 4 yrs called me, said anything other than " hi" at the meetings, invited me to their homes, no elder visits, no sheperding calls, no counsel on how to deal with the isolation having a df'd mate brings. nothing.
3 or 4 days after he was reinstated we were invited out to a familys home.. i didnt go. they didnt love me, care about me, they just loved the wage earner and the " head".. i quit going to the meetings. no one noticed. no one called. no one cared. only after i left the jerk, made him scriptually free one weekend , did i get a call from the elders.. met with them, got put on reproof.. moved to another state..
i can honestly say that while a JW in kentucky , in the congregation my great grandma, grandparents, parents had worshipped in since the early part of the 20th century, where i grew up, i was totally invisible and ignored .when i'd reach out to others they were " busy" or " had too much to do".
i get a call 2 times a year when the CO visits asking if i'm attending meetings anywhere. am i commiting any fornication, etc.. ( to which i tell them none of their business although if i was having some fun i might just tell them lol). they'll call to do their paperwork for their boss but thats it. i now i'm living with worldly people and am continually suprised at normal compassion , love and friendliness. i've learned a lot on how to be more loving myself and find i'm reaching out more to other people.
Evil, the seat thing is somethin', huh? They try to say you're not being a good Christian because of a seating arrangement. They must counsel about something.....