Where Is The Love?

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • swiftbreeze

    The Wts often use the example of a christian as a runner in a race.

    when i think about it...how often do you see a runner stop to help another runner who has fallen? ...basically a runner just keeps running and the only focus is the finish line.

    Jw's attention is on getting to the "new system" it's hard to show love when your mind is on surviving. It only creates a competive paranoid environment much like the reality tv show survivor.

  • Sunspot
    To this day, if she sees my children who were never baptised she treats them like they're dfd too.

    Sweet Tee, I don't believe that I've seen anyone post this before. This happened to my three oldest, all boys. They had moved back here to NY when we went to WV for hubby's job They asked me time and time again if I knew why their (our) JW friends wouldn't give then the time of day when they saw them out somewhere.

    Most didn't know who was baptized or who wasn't, etc----so they just shunned all three! I feel SO stupid now, thinking back-----I had told them that the JWs were just being safe so they wouldn't carry on conversation with a DFed or DAed one. It never dawned on me until recently, that this was a ridiculous way to act and what a totally stupid thing to base a simple "hello-how ya doin" on.

    How many Catholics or Jews would purposely snub someone they knew if they had chosen to leave the church they had belonged to???? The whole thing is so dumb! (consider the source)

    Longhairgal, I SO know that exact same feeling of being alone n the middle of the KH. How often did I plaster a big silly smile on my face and look like I was headed somewhere and had something to do.......rather than stand there looking stupid. I have spent an awful lot of time pretending to fish around in my purse like I was hunting for something.

    This is about the same time that I was quite active going to workshops and seminars that were training for those who wanted to be advocates in the Special Ed field. My goodness.....the folks there were always chatty and interesting after the sessions and during the coffee breaks. Famous lecturers and authors mingled right in with the "regular folks" and the conversations were great. I always felt so "lifted up" when coming home from these meetings.(Needless to say........)

    And THIS from "worldly" people, right? (Boy I could go on for PAGES on this subject)


  • Sunspot
    when i think about it...how often do you see a runner stop to help another runner who has fallen? ...basically a runner just keeps running and the only focus is the finish line.


    Didja ever read something that perfect sense but you had never realized before?

    That's how I felt when I read your post! The more you think about it---the more layers it reveals! IMHO---it was brilliant!


  • delilah

    Swiftbreeze, you said it all.....when I think of the people in my old KH, you are absolutely right!!!! They are all running that great race, and woe to those who may stumble and fall along the way....they sure as hell aren't going to take the time to stop to help anyone....selfish sons of bee-otches....with the exception of a few of the older ones, but the rest won't stop to help them either.....way to put it perspective Swift....thanx.


  • LouBelle

    You know EvilForce my elders actually used to sit and smile and say "we commend you for making an effore & appreciate your answers" That used to make me feel so sick straight away 'cos I knew a bib BUT was to follow.

    There are so many times that I'd get hauled over the coals for something that I had supposedly done. A little bit about my personality - I'm a type of person that if something is funny I enjoy having a good real loud laugh, if we dance I have a blast - really enjoy life to the full. So anyway this one time a whole group of us go off for drinks, now here in S.A we get Happy Hour so like you pay 10 bucks and you drink as much as you like (usually house spirits) as long as you hold onto your glass. Now I like my Jack Daniels & so opted not to go for that - I think the whole night I had about 2 doubles. The next day at the meeting (hell I even went on fieldies before) I, along with a few other mates get pulled aside by 2 elders in full view of everyone and asked why I was drunk & disorderly (one elder was actually with us the previous night) Now things should not be handled like this - I let them know in no uncertain terms that whomever they got their facts from lied, that I wasn't going to justify them with an answer, just because I'm a little loud & know how to have fun does not mean I'm drunk, and off I walked, with my mates in tow.

    Amazing how they jump to conclusions, not buying out the time to find out what happens, approaching you with an accusation instead of approaching you with love & compassion.

    An interesting thing is when Moses asked God if he could see his glory, God says to him, to turn his face & walks by and the first thing that God says about himself (this is God on God now) I am Compassionate, slow to anger.......

    No my friends, they do not know nor do they understand the meaning of any type of love.

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