
by Es 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • prophecor

    I found that it was a way for me to wrestle myself away from my intense negative thinking. If I had a cigarette in my mouth, for the 3 to 5 minutes of my smoking. Newports, of course, in case you were wondering, I would have only enough room for thought for the cigarette that was being smoked at the time. Of course, during the moment of smoking, all I then could focus on was potential for irrepairable harm that I was doing to my body at that time, but at least I didn't have to worry about Jehovah one day coming to kill me. I hadn't availed myself of the help of JWD at the time, I never even knew JWD existed. I was overwhelmed often and daily with guilt, fear and trepidation regarding my being out of the truth. I reached a point in my life where cigarettes were $5.00 a pack, I was out of work at the time, and I decided to go the way of the patch, again. It's a very effective means of quitting, all you need is not to get pissed off at something or someone hard enough to make you say " Oh the Hell with this $#!+." Just don't light up, whatever else happens, Don't light up!!! I walked off about a weeks worth of patches, and shortly thereafter no longer needed the smokes. I've used the patch on more than a few occasions. It's mostly a matter of how bad do you wanna' quit. Smoke free now in November 4 years. I'm 45, for more than 20 of those years, I've been a smoker. I speak from experience. Yes it's hard as Hell to quit, it's even harder trying to keep fed, me, my family and OPEC, at least until I figure out how to get the MarkVIII to run on cooking oil.

  • moanzy

    I would love to quit smoking. Done it several times, but eventually I start up again. Maybe I should go back to Mary Jane!

    By the way Cigs cost $10.00-12.00 here in Alberta Canada


  • under74

    mmm...I think about it but...

    I don't know....there's nothing like coffee and cigarettes. Maybe I set up a kind of romantic idea about it or maybe I just need a crutch...I say I'll quit one day but one dy is never in the near future.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    I quit in 2000 after smoking for many years. (Even when I was a dub, I secretly smoked).
    But, a few months ago, I started smoking again. I just got the craving and figured, what the hell.
    Life is too short. I've seen sickness and death from too many people who didn't smoke.
    I enjoy it. It relaxes me. And no matter what, everybody is going to die sooner or later whether they smoke or not.

    I hear from people that smoking causes cancer. Yes, it probably does. But, just because someone doesn't smoke is not a guarantee that they will not get cancer.

  • doofdaddy

    Why do people smoke? Why do people drink? Why do people eat chocolate? Cause it's fun and enjoyable!!!

    Post jws I started smoking weed which in Australia requires tobacco. So, back on the ciggies. Tried to give up a few times but no..

    I finally came to the realisation that I will always be a smoker but I can choose not to. Sounds crazy? Well, not as crazy as giving up, having a drink or two, then having a smoke and saying to myself I am weak and can never stop, so back to two packs a day!

    Haven't had a cig(or pot) or desire to smoke since, true story. By the way, my old man is 91 and still smoking! Never been sick in his life.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Weed in Australia requires tobacco? That's interesting, I've never heard that.
    Does that mean that if you mix pot with tobacco, it's legal?

  • tijkmo

    never have....never wanted to...dont see that changing any time soon

  • LouBelle

    Ag I've tried to smoke a few times - never really enjoyed much - but just did it cos I knew I was being "naughty". I'd prefer to smoke weed, much easier and has a more fun effect.

    And then kissing guys that smoke is like licking an ashstray - ugh no. So that's one reason I didn't want to smoke 'cos I didn't want to taste like that to someone.

  • JH

    I never did smoke, and I'm glad...

    My parents didn't smoke, so that helped alot.

  • Abaddon

    Tobacco is frequently added to cannabis to bulk out a spliff (or joint). A pure joint of 15-20% THC weed will be too strong for many people; I smoke to relax, I don't like getting utterly monged-out.

    With cannabis resin (which is crumbled like a stock cube), then you either have to use a pipe or a joint with tobacco, as you can't really use the crumbled resin in rolling papers alone.

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