
by Es 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • GetBusyLiving

    I smoked for about a year when I was 19 and had no problem quitting. Lately I've had a cigarrette when I'm having a drink with friends. It gives me that same buzz I get after I'm done a long jog, without having to do the jog. It's scary because I can see how easily it would be for me to get hooked again.


  • RichieRich

    I've smoked a cigarette or two... but never liked it...

    I always stick with herb and cigars....

    Now I likes my herb and cigars...

  • scotsman

    Abaddon said

    I don't like getting utterly monged-out.

    Do we believe him?

  • Mary

    Nicotine has been shown to have effects on brain dopamine systems similar to those of drugs such as heroin and cocaine- Report of the Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Health. Department of Health, 1998.

    Recent information concerning dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and well-being, indicates that cigarette smoke might use both techniques for raising dopamine levels. Nicotine has long been known to stimulate the release of dopamine. Now, research by scientists at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) in New York points toward -- but does not prove -- another mechanism for cigarette addiction. They've found something in cigarette smoke that seems to be slowing the breakdown of dopamine.These brain slices show levels of the "killjoy" enzyme MAO B in the brains of two people. The non-smoker at the top has plenty of MAO B, but the smoker at bottom has much less -- a sign that something in cigarette smoke is destroying MAO B, allowing the pleasure chemical dopamine to tell the body it likes smoking and wants to continue.

    So in essence, the nicotine is tricking your body into thinking it needs more nicotine in order to feel good, while at the same time, it's slowly killing you.

  • hibiscusfire

    I don't smoke. It's stiffling to inhale 2nd hand smoke. It gives bad breath and yellow teeth.

    And black lungs.

  • Englishman

    Hey, listen up. You're not addicted to niccotine. You're addicted to carbon monoxide. When you stop smoking, your blood carries 25% more oxygen, just like it should do always. So you become restless and agitated because you can't handle the extra oxygen. Smoke a ciggie and lose the oxygen by replacing it with lovely carbon monoxide.

    Or you can just grit your teeth and get on with it. Eventually the discomfort will cease. Just do it. Put up with the discomfort.


  • orangefatcat

    I love smoking cigars and pipes and will have a ciggy when I am out socially with my friends.

    I know its a bad habbit but i still like it. The one good thing is I can stop and start at will. sometimes i go for months without lighting up and then other times i smoke more but am not addicted to them.


  • kazar

    Es, I am so glad you brought this subject up. I am a smoker. I have quit a couple of times for as long as a year at a time but always returned to it. I always felt so bad and guilty because Jehovah didn't like smoking. I remember a lot of literature in the Watchtower and Awake magazines that gave these true life stories of how JW's came into the truth and found out smoking was against Jehovah's laws and they quit. I mean they said they threw away their cigarettes and never smoked again! I always wondered how that could be. No mention of withdrawal, ever. I used to think there was something wrong with me because I suffered such severe withdrawal of cigarettes and envied those who could throw away their cigarettes and never give them another thought. Now, I question whether or not those were true stories in the magazines.

    I remember an incident that I laugh out loud at now but at the time I was horrified at what I had done. I was disfellowshipped and was attending the KH to be reinstated and one night at the ministry meeting I realized when I got home that I had worn a dress which on the back of it was a woman smoking a cigarette. I guess I really let them know my heart condition! No one said anything. (They didn't talk to me anyway of course). I still laugh about it now. If I still had the dress I would wear it deliberately to the KH if I had any desire to see any of them.

  • Amazing1914

    Smoke'm if you got'em.

  • Es

    At first i started coz it was the social thing to do my friend was a big smoker so when i began fading i thought why not give it a go. Then i was hooked I became a chain smoker at one stage i brought a packet and finshed it within 2 hours...then i got really bad asthma and decided to quit. Two weeks ago it was my engagement party and one particular person stressed me out and all my friends were smoking so hey i smoked bout 10 cigarettes and have smoked more this week than i have in past year. There are all the ads now in Australia bout epheseima and how most smokers have and it scares me coz thats what my pop died of and its not nice. I dont want to wake up one day when im sick and think "wish i had of never smoked" and yet i dont stop. es

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