According to the evolutionary teaching (of the descent of all life via universal common ancestry) diversity in the fossil record should precede disparity. ("Disparity refers to the extent of morphological divergence among members of a group, while diversity refers to the number of taxa within a group." Jim Gibson Geoscience Research Institute
The evolutionary prediction can be illustrated as below:
The fossil record however shows that disparity precedes diversity for the major groups:
"Remarkably, the number of fossil species (diversity) in the Cambrian is low, but the number of phyla and classes (disparity) is high, compared to the numbers in other portions of the geologic column. In general, each phylum or class of Cambrian fossils contains only a few species, while these same groups may have larger numbers of species in strata above the Cambrian. The strata above the Cambrian contain larger numbers of species and families, but few additional phyla. Thus the Cambrian fossils are highly disparate, but the number of species (diversity) is relatively low. This pattern has been called "disparity before diversity" by Stephen Jay Gould." Jim Gibson
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