Matriachial Societies are they better than Patricahial?

by frankiespeakin 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • frankiespeakin

    I hope I spelled everything right.

    So what is your opinion? We have works in progress in different parts of the world where women have the dominate role in society what do Acheaologist and Anthropologist tell us.

    Here is a site that gives some info about the Minangkabau of Indonesia, a matriachial society that is in operation today:

    The emphasis on nurturing growth, she asserts, yields a
    unique emphasis on the maternal in daily life. "While we in
    the West glorify male dominance and competition, the
    Minangkabau glorify their mythical Queen Mother and
    cooperation," said Dr. Sanday. In village social relations
    women are likened to "the center where the fish net meets."
    Senior women are associated with the central pillar of the
    traditional house, which is the oldest pillar because it is
    the first erected. The oldest village in a group of
    villages is referred to as the "mother village." When they
    stage ceremonies in their full ceremonial regalia, women are
    addressed by the same term reserved for the mythical Queen.
    Such practices suggest that matriarchy in this society is
    about making the maternal the center, origin, and
    foundation, not just of life but of the social order as

    The power of Minangkabau women extends to the economic and
    social realms. Women control land inheritance and husbands
    move into the households of their wives. Unlike many other
    societies in which anthropologists say women are exchanged
    between families at marriage, in this society men are
    During the wedding ceremony the wife collects
    her husband from his household and, with her female
    relatives, brings him back to her household to live. In the
    event of a divorce the husband collects his clothes and

    Yet, despite the special position women are accorded in the
    society, the Minangkabau matriarchy is not the equivalent of
    female rule.

    "Neither male nor female rule is possible because of the
    Minangkabau belief that decision-making should be by
    consensus," Dr. Sanday said. "In answer to my persistent
    questions about 'who rules,' I was often told that I was
    asking the wrong question. Neither sex rules, it was
    explained to me, because males and females complement one
    another. As with everything else, the Minangkabau have a
    proverb to describe the partnership relationship between the
    sexes: 'Like the skin and nail of the fingertip.'"

    Islam and the Minangkabau
    Today, according to Dr. Sanday, while the Minangkabau
    matriarchy is based largely on adat, Islam also plays
    a role--but not in the way one might expect. Islam arrived
    in West Sumatra sometime in the 16th century, long after
    adat customs and philosophy had been established. At first
    there was an uneasy relationship between adat and
    Islam and, in the l9th century, a war between adherents of
    adat customs and fundamentalist beliefs imported from Mecca.
    The conflict was resolved by both sides making
    accommodations. Today, matrilineal adat and Islam
    are accepted as equally sacred and inviolate, handed down
    from the godhead. "At a time when consumerism is more
    prevalent in Indonesia than ever before, these sacred
    principles of Minangkabau culture and society act to support
    one another," she noted.

  • stillajwexelder

    based on what I see in the Middle East , yes matriarchal is better than patriarchal

  • rocky220

    name me which of these came out of a matriarchal society:



    3- WWI


    5-ISLAM-and all it's derivatives

    6-JEWISH-and all it's derivatives

    7-CATHOLIC-and ALL it's derivatives....[and yes, the WTS is among these]


    It Would be nice to try a matriarchal ruled world for a thinks.

    rocky220 [from the tired of the male chauvanist BS class]

  • FairMind

    In some socieites that would be true but the natural order of things is (IMO) for the man to be the leader, provider and protector.

  • frankiespeakin


    I think each sex needs the other to balance things, your point is important to our discussion. Male dominated society sucks in the war making department.


    Why do you feel men need to fill those roles, I think thier are lots of women that can kick the average guys ass anytime. Some women are natural born leaders, and lets not even mention the protection that mother give to thier children, way more than men.

  • vitty
  • vitty


  • vitty

    Whats worse than an elder, yep an eldersess.

    I cant stand the catty, unbenevilent atttitude and im a woman

  • metatron

    Gimme a break

    Didn't Camille Paglia say that, if it wasn't for 'men' , we'd still be living in caves?

    I reject political correctness. I accept the demonstrated wisdom of the status quo.

    Our Judeo-Christian culture brought cars, airplanes, antibiotics, Social Security,

    video tape players and electrical distribution to this planet. Meanwhile, alternative cultures

    are still wallowing in third world poverty - or rapidly moving ahead, after realizing what the

    West has to offer. Welcome, China and India! Yippee!


  • EvilForce

    Surfing came out of a matriachial society. I'm ok by that one. Any culture that surfs is ok by me :)

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