Looking back at all the sacrifices that you had to make to be a Jehovah's Witness, which one was the most unreasonable???
What's The Most Unreasonable Thing You Did As A Witness?
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
Not masterbating for a year and a half at age 16 !!!
EF, wow, amazing. i kept tending the serpent even though i thought is was wrong.
for me, it was turning down scholarships to pioneer. yes, that's right, plural. -
I gave up voting for 15 years because I was lied to by a cult.
Signing up to JWD
Went to meetings...worked full time.......went to university full time taking 18 credit hours.... still went in field service 10 to 15 hours a month......never slept....
Not going to uni & not having sex. Very unreasonable!
going out with the hottest guy at work coz he wasnt a JW i regret that to this day es
Developing the attitude that I was so much better than my non-witness family. I'm deeply ashamed that I spent so many years neglecting my mom. But a mom's love is priceless. She welcomed me back with open arms and never said anything except I'm glad you're out of that religion. Oh yeah, she did say one other thing....and that was "I knew you'd come to your senses some day. I was just waiting...." Aren't mothers great??
Went for more than an entire year without saying a word to my own mother (while she was disfellowshipped.)
It's caused irrepairable damage!