for me, it was turning down scholarships to pioneer. yes, that's right, plural
Me, too. It's the one thing that I just can't seem to 'get over'.
So, back to school I am going!
by minimus 29 Replies latest jw friends
for me, it was turning down scholarships to pioneer. yes, that's right, plural
Me, too. It's the one thing that I just can't seem to 'get over'.
So, back to school I am going!
shunning my baby sister, cousins, others. Dammit, stupid, stupid, stupid.
I have some major regrets. I'd have to put not allowing my children to be treated with exchange transfusions due to their Rh hemolitic anemia and jaundice during and after my pregnancies.
Mac, check your PM again.
Leaving a well paying job with opportunities for advancement because it interfered with the meetings
I did a lot of unreasonable things, but had I kept that job I'd be a well paid exec. right now.
Accept appointment as an "elder" when I was barely into full adulthood myself, then actually thinking that I knew enough at that age to help and comfort people. Its a huge ego trip until you find out about the lies then you just feel used and stupid!
Too busy pioneering as my "fleshly brother" cried out in pain (I was too busy with the congo activities) and then killed himself.
kept applying to be reinstated cos i thought i would be welcomed back
oh wait i wouldnt have been a witness at that point
Turning down the opportunity to play professional football (soccer)... got dunked instead.
Not going to varsity, not pushing myself into professional sports.