Without the Internet. Would you still have been a active believing dub??

by Samuel Thorsen 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • moanzy

    I already had made my decision to leave-couldn't take anymore. After getting through the fear of demons if I checked out the web on JW's, the information I learned helped me be OK with my decision and not fear the witnesses anymore.

    I also felt validated that what I felt and grew up with was NOT my imagination. I don't believe I would have went back ever again, but with the internet it confirmed for me that they DON"T have the truth and I could now defend what I knew.


  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    Probably I would still be looking out my window on weekends hoping that the "brothers" would'nt show up today, feeling quilty that I'm not doing what I'm suppose to. With the internet, I found info that opened my eyes to the real truth that set me free.

  • fairchild
    Without the Internet. Would you still have been a active believing dub??

    Yes, and more specifically JWD. Before I found this site, I was completely convinced that the JWs had the only truth.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I became completely inactive in 1991. I had major doubts then but still had the notion the WTBTS had the truth.

    I hit the net in 1999 and searched for official info on the org. I had always felt that if I happened upon "apostate literature" that I would not be able to resist reading it. So imagine what I did when my search engine brought up a page with a link to a site that told of Ray Franz and other's experiences. I read it. Then my PC was down for a few months.

    In December 1999 I took my kids to the hall for the Thursday night meeting. It might as well have walked onto Mars, it felt that weird. I knew I could never be a JW again.

    In 2001 Andy encouraged me to read more on the net. I then ordered and read Crisis of Conscience.

    The important thing is: I had no idea where to find apostates or apostate literature without the net. I would have wondered how to find them. How did they find each other before the internet??

  • tetrapod.sapien

    ya, i'd probably still be in too. i'm sure it was just a matter of time though...

  • JeffT

    My wife and I started doing our research in 1988 and DA'd ourselves in 1989. I think that was long before Al Gore invented the internet (sorry couldn't help myself) certainly I didn't have a computer at home. We did our research the old fashioned way, dragging ourselves through the snow to the library, and it was uphill both ways! (I'm in that kind of mood today).

  • sf

    After being dfed and literally driven out of my hometown, I had left it ALL behind. Twenty years had past. A life rich in The Wicked World. [ lol ] Until I read Crisis of Conscience. My life and this journey since then has been a huge rollercoaster ride.

    The internet WILL be Their downfall. Before the internet, they were basically safe behind the walls. Now, there are many cracks inwhich one can see what really goes on behind them.

    Hail the internet!!


  • Chia

    I don't think I would've been active, but I would've still believed that they were right and that they definitely had the truth. So I would've lived my whole life under a cloud of guilt. Not that I don't still feel some nagging doubts sometimes, but the more and more I come here and to other sites, the stronger I feel.

  • diamondblue1974

    I left first then discovered this site quite by accident many years later; the internet did however enable me to realise that despite being out I had still a lot of healing to do and a great deal of soulsearching. I have only been posting here for some three to four months but the effect on my spirituality has been astounding.

  • DannyHaszard

    Hi I'm apostasy


    Seeking google images for apostasy i found the above Evil Scapegoating- Hitler had the Jews Jim Jones -"fascist terrorist" David Koresh- Feds aka 'agents of Satan' Watchtower - former member aka apostate traitors Danny defines apostate--"a devout believer turned destroyer"Yup, that's me i reckon. My first impressions of the loathsome abominable apostate after the bogeyman of the evil slave had run it's course,was the 1979 [100 year anniversary of the Watchtower] district convention at the Bayfront center in St.Petersburg Florida. Of course this new apostate character was introduced with the flair of a WT Drama. The theme of the drama's setting being what else,but the usurping of Moses and Aaron by the Korah gang,and how the ground opened up and swallowed the clan whole. In the mid 1980's the Watchtower further elaborated on the apostate buffoonery with a subtitled article;Apostasy in the camp. This article was about some JW refugees sequestered in a camp where one of their members broke away and "went on up to the mountain top to get instruction from Jehovah like Moses did", and returned butt naked and hysterical. This impression of the deranged/flunky/haughty,apostate buffoon was to persist until my own 'crisis of conscience' in 1992 My first contact 1994 with an apostate was David Reed who i suspected may be throughly demonized.I became a supporter of his comment from the friends operations,and the ground didn't open up. Back as early as 92 the internet was already being demonized as 'the tool of satan' by the watchtower although i knew of no one who was connected on line.Most JW family's who had a PC in the house the children used it to play space invaders. A couple of years after my 'purge' Ray Franz published his COC and i had my first meeting with Steve Hassan at his home who lived the next suburb over in Boston Massachusetts. Steve seeded a start up ex cult support group at Boston University and i met other EX JW's along with Children of God,Moonies and Scientologist. Yes,we have come a long way baby..... Put plain and simple:The Watchtower is about one thing,other people's money.--- Danny Haszard the apostate is all about:getting all his Watchtower money back. The Bogeyman Related:



    also visit Apostates.net

    apostate-baiting yes they do that sort of like red-baiting

    Q. for topic discussion what were your impressions of the 'apostates' when you where "IN"

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