Without the Internet. Would you still have been a active believing dub??

by Samuel Thorsen 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • Es

    No i faded way before i was told of this or any site es

  • Dan-O

    Nope. I left before there was an Internet ... not long after "personal computers" hit the market. Kinda scary to think back as far as the early 80s.

  • caballoSentado

    Maybe, but an inactive one. I was tired of the same stuff every meeting.
    But when I learned of the UN scandal (on the internet), that was tbe
    beginning of my demise. Here, counting my family & a few friends, 12 JW left the Watchtower.

    Caballo Sentado

  • LouBelle

    It wasn't looking at sites that made me start to question. Always did question if the witties had the truth & if they could prove out of any bible that they were right......they weren't. So Yeah I still would have left.

  • confusedjw

    It's possible I would be. Thrashing and doubting and struggling.

    With the internet doubts can be codified and validated so easily it saves a lot of time and thus extra suffering.

  • Soledad

    I was at a District Convention in 1996 when I said to myself "no more." I never felt so bored, lifeless and robotic as I did at that DC.

    I spent most of 1997 on the "inactive" list. Then in early 1998 while in college the class took a trip to the computer labs to research a law topic--I think it was first amendment issues. I went to miningco.com and searched for "religious freedom." Somehow that linked me to web pages for Ex-JWs, and once I started reading some of that information, I could no longer focus on what I was originally in the computer lab for---I spent the next 5 hours just reading reading reading. It was a real breakthrough. Once I got home I continued to search the net, on my 14.4 modem and 386 PC it took a real long time but eventually I came across the Support Group for Ex-Jws and posted my story there.

    About 2 months later I started to compose my DA letter. I was finally convinced of what I knew was absolutely true in my heart and mind all those years----the WTS is full of CRAP.

  • Sunspot

    I think I would have to a point. I was unhappy the last few years before I stopped going to meetings and had kept thinking something was wrong with ME. No joy, lack of any real love and all that.

    I wouldn't have had the background knowledge that the internet provided, and wouldn't have had the courage to formally leave. I'd still be afraid of not making it through the big A.

    The internet gave me the solid info on why I had so many bad feelings and questions I couldn't answer, and I was able to break away with a clean conscience of what I was doing what was the right thing for me.

    I am sure that if we'd had the 'net sooner, that I'd have been out sooner.

  • LoverOfTruth

    No. I was out long before the forum. The Internet has made the transition complete.

  • Junction-Guy

    Well I was already out before I came online, but I was just prepared to die soon at Armageddon, I thought the JW religion was stupid, but I still believed that Armageddon was coming, I just didnt want to pretend to serve Jehovah any longer in order to survive the big "A". I was never baptized and struggled with it tremendoulsy, until 1993 when I just said "the hell with it" and just made up my mind I was doomed for destruction. Even though I resented that religion back then, I still didnt know the real truth about the "truth" until I came online Christmas Eve 1997, and boy what a Christmas present that was, I nearly had a nervous breakdown knowing that everything I was taught and every emotional and psychological problem I went through was all for a lie, the grief soon gave way to anger, and I've been on these XJW boards ever since.


  • freedom96

    I faded and left years ago, well before I ever looked online for JW information.

    Given my personality, I know for a fact that I would have looked up the JW's online even as a witness, had I access, or if internet even existed then.

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