belly button ring...

by kittyeatzjdubs 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • kittyeatzjdubs
    kittyeatzjdubs i went and got my belly button pierced about 3 months ago. the stupid girl pierced it with a barbel, instead of a ring...i didn't know it had to be pierced w/ a ring until i got my tatoo a month ago and i was talking to the guy about how my piercing wasn't healing...he said, ''did she pierce it with that barbel? that's why.'' it's taking forever to heal and it looks kind of nasty sometimes. it's not infected or's just the normal icky oozy crusty you get w/ any piercing....

    do any of you have and suggestions as to what i could do to help it heal faster?


    luv, jojo

  • AlanF

    I used a leather punch on mine, and it healed up in only three weeks.


  • kls

    Kitty are you sure it is not infected ? The infection could be set in deep . I would have it checked by a Doc because you may not see an infection does not mean it isn't. My niece had hers done and after months of not healing she saw her Doc and the infection was deep that it took a round of Antibiodics and constant heat to bring all the puss to the surface and and that took almost a month. Have it checked ,better to be safe then sorry.

  • minimus

    Alan, I used a very thick needle and shot myself with novacaine and I was able to put a real 2 lb. barbell in my belly button. It looks good.

  • xjwms

    Hey Minimus

    Post a pic.

  • GetBusyLiving

    LMAO minimus.. that was hilarious man.


  • whyamihere

    Jojo, I would get it checked out by a Doctor..just a peace of mind.


  • kittyeatzjdubs

    just found this on a website...i think i found the problem!

    Do NOT use antibacterial ointments because they don't allow air to get to the area and they trap bacteria.

    Do NOT use alcohol or Peroxide to clean the area. (Both products will dry out your skin.)

    stupid piercing girl gave me A&D ointment to put on it wonder it's not healing...and matt's stupid sister-in-law said to put peroxide on it b/c it would help it heal quicker... grrrrrrrr....dammit!

    i'll start skipping those 2 things and see what happens...if there's no change then i guess i'll go to the doc... i hate doctors!!!!

    hey minimus! i wanna see u'rs!!!!

    luv, jojo

  • minimus

    It's too big to show.

  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    I tell my daughter that it she pierces her bellybutton and it gets infected bad enough, her butt will fall off. lol

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