It's too big to show
oh dear lord
luv, jojo
by kittyeatzjdubs 24 Replies latest jw friends
It's too big to show
oh dear lord
luv, jojo
....the belly button ring.
try my solution
Bartender: ... Sapphire on the rocks...and keep em coming
sorry...i have a potty brain
luv, jojo
I tell my daughter that it she pierces her bellybutton and it gets infected bad enough, her butt will fall off. lol
Is that a promise, JT? If so, I'm getting one!
Nina (of the Needs-More-Exercise-For-Butt class)
Yer all just gross!!!!!!!!!!
mac, non poked/pigmented class...if I need an easle or an ornament hanger, I'll buy one...
"the only reason for a beely button ring on a young lady is to hool the chastity belt lock through it."
Hope it feels better!
Here's a somewhat related anecdote:
My dad is a biker. Heavily tattooed, earrings, goatee, the full nine. A few years ago, in an effort to hold on to his youth, he got his labret (lip) pierced. Now he has a hole in his lip that he can shoot Mountain Dew through. No wonder mom quit inviting him to the memorial!!
When I got my nostril pierced they gave me sea salt (not table salt). I mixed it with warm water and bathed the piercing three times a day. Maybe that will help. ??
who told you to put the balm on?! I didn't tell you to put the balm on?! The Mastro?! Do you even know what a maestro is!?
I had just a regular ear piercing done at a jewelry store that took 7 months to heal. It periodically was red, inflamed, painful and infected looking, I decided to check in with a reputable piercing/tattoo salon, where the long time, experienced owner of the place, insisted that it is not infected and piercings often do take a full year to heal.
I apparently was having a metal reaction to the gold hoop, and she replaced it with titanium. She shared these instructions with me and felt that faithfully following them will improve and speed the healing. She also convinced me to never have ear piercing done with the punching gun used at jewelry stores.
This is the info on a flyer they give out with each piercing done at her salon.
Cleaning your piercing is very important. It may take up to ONE YEAR to heal completely. You must clean the piercing twice a day for a minimum of three months.
STEP 1: SOAKING is probably the most important step.
In the shower or clean bath.
With a large glass of warm water to hot sea salt water. 1/4 teaspoon of salt to 8 oz. warm water.
With a wet warm washcloth.
Soak 5-10 minutes, 2X A DAY, or more, if needed. For cleaning above the neck: Improvise as necessary. ie: using warm wet cloth for soaking.
Immediately following soaking, lather up your soap with a little water and thoroughly wash the piercing. Rinse completely.
Recommended liquid soaps:
Provon Anti-microbial --- Gold Liquid Dial Soap (most recommended) ---- Dr. Bronner's Castille Soap
STAY OUT of pools, hot tubs, oceans, lakes, etc. for up to 3 months.
DO NOT TOUCH your new piercing unless you are cleaning it.
DON'T let others rub against or touch your new piercing.
AVOID tight clothing that binds or irritates the piercing.
-For the first 3-6 months, follow the cleaning routine twice daily.
-For the next 3-9 months, clean area once daily.
-Do not touch the pierced area other than to clean.
-Remember to always wash hands before handling the piercing.
-Do not use peroxide, or rubbing alcohol or ointments on the piercing.
*BACTINE - some like to use Bactine as a third step immediately after having done the cleaning routine. Some people have experienced irritations from Bactine, it is not for everyone. Remember, Bactine is not meant to be a substitute for cleaning. If you have had success with it in the past, and enjoy it, you may continue to use it.
my note: I wouldn't hesitate to have a quick check by a doctor too though, as infections can be very serious if ignored.
Hope this info helps