Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ,
May I say at the onset: I am not a J.W. but I am a fellow Christian.
At the moment I am most concerned by the news that the U.K. government intends to introduce COMPULSORY I.D. cards in 2008.
My reasons being as follows :-
In Revelation 13:17 we read :-
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
This week and in a MSN news article regards the I.D. cards, it stated :-
"the planned bill will ensure that people`s access to "specified public services" will be linked their having a valid I.D. card and it will include penalties for those failing to register"
Whilst it has already been stated that the public services WILL include things like BANKS, then I am solely convinced that this new I.D. card is potentially "the mark of the beast" which we are WARNED TO AVOID. i.e: none-registration will mean NO access to banks (probably also things like "benefits" and other things we use in everyday life.
A campaign site has already been set up so that people can voice their concerns regards this technology :- Say "NO" to I.D. cards Sign the petition Get involved How to write to your MP & local councillor.
Clearly we are all aware of what the Bible tells us that in "the last days" even "the elect" might be deceived.
I am deeply troubled by this issue, and would welcome your opinions.
If anyone wishes to contact me via email also, I can be contacted at :-
Love in Christ NB. I have posted this under "politics" also, whilst I believe it to be a VERY URGENT matter for our consideration.