Comments You Will Not Hear at the 5-29-05 WT Study (Apostasy; Inactive)

by blondie 46 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Scully
    We do not approve of halfhearted ones

    Halfhearted ones; inactive, irregular, under 5 hour publishers

    Jesus disapproves of lukewarm professing Christians today

    Lukewarm ; under 5 hour publishers; elders/MS under 10 hours

    Another thing just occurred to me with regard to this information: I wonder how all those who were given permission (Oh What A Grand Blessing From Jehovah TM ) to only submit reports for 15 minutes per month due to being elderly / infirm / other special circumstances feel about being referred to as "halfhearted" and "lukewarm" or just merely "professing Christians"?

    I wonder how JW men and women with unbelieving spouses feel about their mates being referred to as "scummy dross" or "Jezebel" or destined for the slag heap of destruction?? I wonder how little kids who go to meetings with their JW parent feel when they hear that kind of talk about their "unbelieving" parent or grandparents or aunts and uncles? Surely exposing children to this kind of hateful rhetoric is tantamount to child abuse.

    Love, Scully

  • upside/down


    I feel like I'm reading my own thoughts when I read your "reviews".... we must be related.


  • acadian


    No, I can't feel the love. In all the 20 years of friendships I had with those in the Org--even those who were closest to me there is only one sister who still speaks to me as if I am a worthwhile human being, but she is about to lose it mentally, as she is loving person trying to fit herself into this hateful religion. I know others in there who were nice people--I fear for their sanity these days--how can you integrate your personality with a religion which goes against your grain? I think many JWs suffer from multiple or at least dual personalities. How can you connect with this type of hatred and not be damaged by it?

    I agree 100%

    Oh, the other problem the elders had with us, was that we were showing mercy to a DFed friend in need, her husband was put in prison, now she has no income, she started cleaning the "Friends" homes for work, the deal with husbands problem drags on for a few yrs. no support of any kind from the "Friends" She starts drinking a little to much, gets DFed, We help her out with food, money, clothing, and listened to her problems.

    Did I forget to mention all her house cleaning accounts dropped her when she was DFed.

    Where's the Love?

    Kind Regards


    Do unto others ... What is truth ?....( LOVE ! )

  • talesin

    This WT study is scary ....


  • GetBusyLiving

    OMG. Can you imagine how much hate they are inciting in the R&F towards us with this article? Put up your deflector shields, there's a lot of bad vibes coming our way today..


  • heathen

    Watch now , next week it'll be all about how to love your neighbor and not be judgemental . Geezee these people are nuts , how the hell can anybody follow this type of reasoning ? What they have is a passive hatred for people that don't agree , it's not love . I just wonder why they didn't deemonize the web some more in the article , we know they keep tabs on sites like this one and this is what really inspires them at the printing facility . They are filthy stinking hypocrites .

  • lilbit

    jeez I hope my parents did not study this weeks lesson. There is gonna be a S**T storm flying my way. What a hateful message the WBTS is giving their followers.


  • stillajwexelder

    The paragraphs around 7-9 drew many comments -- one elder said - so if we know there is a program about witnesses on the television we should not watch it as it would be inviting apostates into our homes. So a reference to Bill Bowen and others on the programs about the pedophile scandals

  • heathen

    stilla --- I am very surprised that witnesses even own tvs . They love to demonize worldly people , well , helloooooooooooooooooooo , the worldly people are on tv . I'm sure many j-dubs will only admit to watching the news but are watching sports or shows featuring sexual immorality and violence . Get real WTBTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • ithinkisee

    I was at this Watchtower study - in fact, I ran the microphones.

    In my KH there was no dwelling on any apostate or "weak" people. The direction our conductor went was just on using the Bible to guide our life.

    One person even answered and said, "Just because someone doesn't come to the meetings and go out in service doesn't mean they don't love God. In fact it may be quite the opposite."

    In my head I thought "Wow ... great answer!"

    But then he continued and ruined it for me:

    "So, we need to do whatever we can to encourage them to come back to the Organization."



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