Comments You Will Not Hear at the 5-29-05 WT Study (Apostasy; Inactive)

by blondie 46 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Honesty

    To the WTBTS Legal Department:

    I hope you have a ready defense for this article when it is introduced as evidence in current and future child custody cases whereas the non-JW/ex-JW parent is concerned that his/her offspring is being mentally abused and manipulated by the JW religious organisation to alienate their affection from their aforementioned non-JW parent.

    Congratulations are in order for your insight in allowing this article to be published and studied by Jehovah's Witnesses.


    Bob Evans

    Walland, TN.

  • evergreen

    Have to say i enjoyed your take on this watchtower Blondie. Especially where you point out where Jesus is mentioned in this article. As usual he is left in the background almost hidden from view.

    I had for many years (whilst sitting through all those long winded meetings) always felt that they pushed Jesus into the background.Time and time again i felt they were doing this , but i thought it was just me.

    Once i was even told by a brother ( who came up to me privately, after i had given a bible highlights) that i shouldnt have put more of an emphasis on Jesus in my talk than i did for Jehovah.

    At the time, i didnt feel angry at the brother for saying this because he was so sincere in what he believed . It was what he was brainwashed with week in and week out that bugged me at the time.( and that was when i was deep in the "truth", long before i had ever read anything remotely "apostate")

    Everything you wrote here i agree with. I am currently inactive and have not been attending for about a year. I currently have no intention of going back to an organisation that has such controll over my life. One day i hope i have the strength to just tell them straight my views instead of having to hide everything. Its quite sad that so many of us in this forum simply cant( for the time being) reveal who we are because of the fear of being shunned by our own families .

    I look forward to reading more of your takes on the nonsense that keeps flowing forth from the group of old guys at brooklyn.

    bfn evergreen

  • acadian


    Everything you wrote here i agree with. I am currently inactive and have not been attending for about a year. I currently have no intention of going back to an organisation that has such controll over my life. One day i hope i have the strength to just tell them straight my views instead of having to hide everything. Its quite sad that so many of us in this forum simply cant( for the time being) reveal who we are because of the fear of being shunned by our own families .

    I could'nt agree more.

    Fortunately I have no family in the borg, but I had a lot of good friends ( I thought ).
    I have new friends now, and I know where I stand with them.

    Kind Regards


    John 4:20-24 Our forefathers worshiped in this mountain; but YOU people say that in Jerusalem is the place where persons ought to worship." 21 Jesus said to her: "Believe me, woman, The hour is coming when neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem will YOU people worship the Father. 22 YOU worship what YOU do not know; we worship what we know, because salvation originates with the Jews. 23 Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshipers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for, indeed, the Father is looking for suchlike ones to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him must worship with spirit and truth."

    That eliminates the wts !

  • cyber-sista
    I hope you have a ready defense for this article when it is introduced as evidence in current and future child custody cases whereas the non-JW/ex-JW parent is concerned that his/her offspring is being mentally abused and manipulated by the JW religious organisation to alienate their affection from their aforementioned non-JW parent.

    I agree HONESTY...

    This article is so hateful towards anyone who is not in compliance with the WT Org. In fact I was thinking of saving this article to throw in the face of any JWs who might ask me why I am no longer associating with the WT Org. My husband was never a JW and my daughter never became one. In order for me to continue to be a JW I would have to view them as wicked scummy dross who are soon to be destoyed by God. How could I come to grips with this? What kind of person would I have to be in order to feel this way? How much medication would I need to take in order to handle these thoughts of my loving familysoon to be violently destroyed by the God I profess to worship?


  • Jez
    If we as individuals love and

    keep Jehovahs law, we will not be stumbled spiritually by what someone else

    does or by any other matter.does or by any other matter.

    So much in this article bothered me, but the above really got to me. It is that "we will not be stumbled by any other matter." So no matter what you hear, (pedophiles, UN involvement, WTBS's billion dollar industry, thousands of disfellowshipping horror stories, 1914, unloving ways, etc) DO NOT LET IT STUMBLE YOU. It doesn't matter, shhhhhhhh, don't look, don't think about it, no matter what it is, don't let it bother you. They can get away with anything if they can instill this into their members, because no one will question anything.

    The application of 'scummy dross' applying to 'half-hearted ones', 'weak' ones etc. was very disheartening. How sad that they belittle their members like this and encourage them to be so quick to label, and write off anyone, even family. The elder taking the study actually seemed uncomfortable with it and reworded alot of the questions. He kept saying things like, "We do not want to judge those that have left." "We should never have the attitude that we are better than those that are no longer associating with us."

    JWs HAVE to think that ones that have left are scum, weak, drifters with no direction in life because the alternative is that a conscious informed decision was made, and that must not known to the masses.


  • tetrapod.sapien
    If someone points out the emperor has no clothes

    But among the crowds a little child suddenly gasped out, "But he hasn't got anything on." And the people began to whisper to one another what the child had said. "He hasn't got anything on." "There's a little child saying he hasn't got anything on." Till everyone was saying, "But he hasn't got anything on." The Emperor himself had the uncomfortable feeling that what they were whispering was only too true. "But I will have to go through with the procession," he said to himself.

    If someone points out the man behind the curtain

    Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain


    you rock me. thanks,


  • DannyHaszard

    Thank you Blondie for R+D.

    Digilent study?I am the only active or EX JW i know of that literally memorized verbatim over 2,000 scripts (NWT) with a memory mnemonic technique for interlocking of cross references

    Reading It took me 6 years and tens of thousands of hours to achieve.

    My motive was so i could savor and wield the word of God alive and to be an effective evangelizer and help others.

    I kept a modest low profile and they were still eaten up with jealousy.

    It's interesting that at the time,still under mind control,such a through Bible study did nothing to expose WT false dogmas.

    What turned me was the wicked lying coniving,backstabbing of my congregation.I decided that i would not serve the God of these a** "wholes"

    I was a believing castaway for 3 years until COC and David Reed.

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