What is giving? What is taking? Jehovahs Witness Discussion Forum, everyone welcome, is the logo. Some are lurking, taking in what is posted and are not yet ready to give of themselves. Others may have a lot to give, more than they take out of this forum. And still others may give and take evenly as they can. Some may have the finances to support this forum with a donation and give back financially, others may give by supporting us emotionally.
Minny, I feel that you and all the rest of us do what we can with what we got to be of help to all who come to this forum. If I were to use a Bible term, it would be this, " Some give 30 fold, some 60 fold, and some give 100 fold. Each person is actually giving their all, 100 fold.
As far as answering your actual question, I feel that I have taking out much, much more, than I will ever be able to give back to this board. I am indebted to the many who have posted so much here that has helped my family personally. Often times I don't respond because my thoughts have already been responded to by someone else. I do read as many posts as I can, and respond to some or post a topic that I think will be of interest.