G'day all,
Well, what a week! Health problems have been our overriding concern but, as the song says, "I'm still standing!"
How's things been with you? Ready for the weekend, eh?
Here in Oz we've 'enjoyed' watching yet another TV program exposing the WT empire, again on the issue of its protection of paedophiles and its harsh treatment of abuse victims.
Now though, it's time to rest a while and share in our regular weekend poll. So, are you ready?
This weekend's poll question is:
What was the biggest hindrance to attending all five meetings?
- Getting home from work and rushing to be on time for the meeting.
- Getting the kids ready on time.
- Children's school homework.
- The boss wanting me to work overtime.
- Getting the small children to the midweek meetings.
- Children out late at mid-week meetings.
- So who wants to get up on Sunday morning in Sunday best clothes?
- The weather!
- Other (please detail)
So tell us, what did you find? let us know and don't forget............................
Cheers, Ozzie (permanently upside-down class)
Freedom means not having to wear a tie.