Ozzie's Weekend Poll # 135

by ozziepost 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Soledad

    Ozzie welcome back! Sundays are not the same without our polls you know?

    Unfortunately, we never missed a frickin meeting! no hinderances until I started making up some (homework, job)

  • MerryMagdalene

    My biggest hindrance was S T R E S S...I was a kid who didn't handle stress well and, for me, going to school 5 days/week, doing homework 5 nights+weekends, preparing for 5 meetings+field service, and attending all 5 meetings was just TOO MUCHSometimes I'd fake illness so I could relax and read a sf book or see a tv show, but most of the time I really was sick.



  • Evanescence
    Here in Oz we've 'enjoyed' watching yet another TV program exposing the WT empire, again on the issue of its protection of paedophiles and its harsh treatment of abuse victims.

    Hi ozzie! glad to see a great Australian bloke like you!

    What show are you referring to? the one sunday morning on channel nine? I saw that! I wish I taped it! I could of taken it down to the kingdom hall, i've heard that they are constantly blaming the catholics on sex abuse. If they raised that on me i'll just wave the tape around!

    Does the kingdom hall have a tv or vhs? if not..... BUGGA!

    did u tape it by any chance? we should request they show it again... highly doubtful though.....


  • Evanescence

    Oh and for the vote, I never went to a kingdom hall but I can imagine that two and a half hours of constant blah blah blah blah blah..... would be rather boring, I'll have to gathotape my mouth so I won't rebut all the speakers arguments!

    I'll try to sneak in a discmen or an mp3 player if I ever get court up with one of those meetings! crikey! talk about borring..... Id rather listen to Evanescence music!


  • Honesty

    9. Other.

    I got tired of listening to the B.S. that came with every meeting...

    Who really is the 'faithful discreet slave'?

    Can you arrange your affairs in order to use your time wisely so you can annoy all your neighbors who are going to be effed by the WT god?

    God loves a cheerful giver. God loves a cheerful giver. God loves a...

    Joe Hoba's people are the only ones who are engaged in a world wide education program about how blessed you are if you continue bowing down to the WTBTS.

  • rebel8

    I never went to a meeting out of my own volition really, because I was under age. However, speaking for my mom who dragged us to meetings, her biggest hindrance was lack of desire to go. We didn't miss many (unfortunately), but when we did it was due to the lamest excuses ever. When we were really sick, we were dragged to meetings anyway. When my mom didn't feel like going, there was some ridiculous excuse given.

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