Went To A Church Today

by rocketman 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ozziepost

    G'day rocketman,

    Nice thread. Like LT, I'm glad you at least gave it a try - makes a change from simply believing what the WTS have led you to believe, eh?

    I can't comment too much on the service, each one is different, but there is a major difference between where you went and a KH, the denominations, at least downunder, don't insist on uniformity as the dubs do. Each church is truly a fellowship rather than simply a branch of one big 'organisation'.

    I must respond to this comment in the thread:

    He then told another witness (Elder I think) that he was very impressed with how our young were taught the Bible.

    This type of comment is parrotted ad infinitum by the dubs to confirm their own lack of Bible education. I must tell you that it may be true for some but assuredly not for a great many I've met - or have I met the wrong ones?

    Faith is deeper and more personal too. And they actually believe in prayer!!!

    Enjoy your journey.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • LittleToe


    So you are saying they don't make the sign of the cross and kneel in front of it like the catholics ?

    Are you telling me you've never been to a Protestant service, and yet you openly condemn all forms of Christian church? Did we not remove that vestage of WTS-indoctrination?

    Allow me, please, to tell you about the reported highlights of my sister's first experience with a protestant church (she's only been about three times in her life, and has been out of the WTS for about 6 -7 years). These were her observations, and in complete contrast with what she'd expected:

    • No cross, or any idols, pictures or icons
    • Use of the name Jehovah
    • Talk of "witnessing"
    • Prayers to the Father, in Jesus name
    • Lovely hymns and singing
    • Enthusiastic preaching
    • Whole service took about an hour, and then they went straight home for lunch
  • ozziepost
  • No cross, or any idols, pictures or icons
  • Use of the name Jehovah
  • Talk of "witnessing"
  • Prayers to the Father, in Jesus name
  • Lovely hymns and singing
  • Enthusiastic preaching
  • Whole service took about an hour, and then they went straight home for lunch
  • Yep to all of that downunder too! But don't forget the morning tea!

  • heathen

    LT--- I still believe all religion are cults , if that is what you mean by condemning . I can't say I was completely brainwashed by the WTBTS because I was never a pioneer or a publisher or even baptized by them . I still would have argued that they were not a cult until I came to this site and did some serious research and la viola they are a cult , what do ya know . I know I could never be a trinitarian , I wouldn't mind making friends with people but am not willing to compromise the facts for popularity . I am way too opinionated . LOL I do think in most cases people are better off without religion , if there is one thing the WTBTS got right is that it is a snare and racket .

  • LittleToe

    Heathen:I would agree that religiosity is a snare, and unfortunately many fall snare to it. Religion is just a tool, albeit a sharp one, that some may use with caution.

    In several years of going to church, now, I've never heard a sermon on the Trinity. I've heard allusions to the doctrine maybe half a dozen times. Most sermons that touch the subject of deity draw attention to Christ or the Father, and especially that prayers should primarily be directed to the Father.

    On the subject of compromise, do you think that Trinitarians would find it a big deal and compromise, to associate with YOU? I suspect not. People are people, and most hold their own opinions about things, regardless of the party-line. The Trinity doctrine is NOT dinnertime conversation.

    Did you converse with Pomegranite? He was a Binitarian.

  • ozziepost
    In several years of going to church, now, I've never heard a sermon on the Trinity.

    Me neither - but it makes good copy for him! It's like if you repeat a lie often enough, in time people'll believe it. Ask the WTS - they've been doing it for years!

  • LouBelle

    I went to another church while I was going to the meetings. New Testimant Living.. Their praise & worship was extremely inspirational, young men & women, children, teenages, single, married, older people, all lifting their voice to praise their worthy God - It moved me to tears. They also had flags in their building - all the flags of all the nations as everyone is welcome - I initially found it difficult to see that. The preach of the guy was from Matthew & he spoke from the heart. The children went to "little arrows" so that they too could benefit from this time, and not be subjected to 40 minutes of boredom. After the service is over everyone is invited to have tea and coffee. The love amongst these people left me wondering why we as witnesses didn't have that kind of love.

    I attended a few services.

    Heathen: I vowed that when I left the JW I would NEVER believe in the trinity or about 3 Gods in one. I went to their "foundations" (kind of basic knowledge of the bible study group. And my back was put up by the fact they believed in this, but I prayed that I be shown His truth. I was so confused that I actually prayed to the God of Abraham, Isaac, David and Jacob - so that I knew my prayers were directed to the right God. All I can say is that my eyes have truly been opened so much so that I'm floored. I was having a hard time of trying to figure out who this God was and if He and his son and the holy spirit are one. When you read your bible read in context & across as well, things in the old testiment tie up with the new. Some scriptures to ponder over Psalms 105 - 107 You'll note it's mostly speaking about "Jehovah and then suddenly in 107 you note that their is a scripture that brings in Jesus as the same on...."

    Some other points to consider on the "trinity" Why would Jesus ask to be glorified along with God when God doesn't share his glory? God created the sabbeth - How then could Jesus be the "Lord of the Sabbeth"? In revelation Jesus speaks of himself as being the Alpha & the Omega ( a title usually reserved for almighty God) If you check the greek scriptures on John 1:1 It does say that the word is God.... The witnessess have changed the wording in many many scriptures - If you like we can open a thread and I can give them to you - or you can pm me. You have to dig into the greek versions as well to get the true meaning in some cases.

  • rocketman

    While I personally have time accepting the Trinity (which is why I like the Biblical Unitarians...Heathen, was under the inpression that the BU's [sounds like a university] teach the divinity of Christ; in fact, they assert that he enjoys "functional equality" with the Father) I can certainly understand that many do accept it and that it may not need to be a major stumbling block, at least not for me anyway, especially since there's no BU fellowship around here. Interestingly, many BU's attend church services of other religions because their fellowships are so few and far between.

    Back to the Lutheran service - people did kneel, but not to the cross. There were kneel thingys attached to the back of each pew. I did not kneel but simply sat. I noticed others doing the same, so it didn't seem like kneeling was a must.

  • heathen

    LT --- It's not that I don't associate with them it's that I won't worship with them . There is a difference . I am forced to associate with them in public , I simply tell them I don't believe the trinity ,if religion ever comes up .I get different reactions . I've been told by several religions such as baptist and catholic that if I didn't believe as they do I was going to hell . I don't let it get to me because I know they are liars and it never made me want to be a member anyway .

    rocketman --- I looked up unitarian in the dictionary and it stated those that reject the trinity doctrine and believe that God is the father and christ is the son and the holy spirit is also God . Now then I still believe that jesus shares in Gods glory because it's only through his sacrifice that anybody can be saved and by using his name in prayer is the only way to communicate with God . There are scriptures in the old and new testament that refer to jesus as God but I don't confuse those scriptures with the fact that jesus said he was not jehovah but merely doing his will . There are alot of scriptures to look at and use instead of just grabbing one and coming to conclusions that contradict the others .

  • rocketman

    Oops - I meant to say "I personally have a hard time accepting the Trinity".

    The Biblical Unitarians differ from the Unitarian Universalists. But the definition you looked up seems correct. The BU take on the Holy Spirit is that it's taught two ways in the Bible - God is "the Holy Spirit" while the holy spirit is a gift from God. I'm not sure I totally agree with their assessment. On the other hand, it may explain the seemingly different portrayals of the Holy Spirit in the Bible.

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