just out of curiosity, would you allow them to associate with catholics?
would you let your child associate with Jehovahs Witnesses?
by Ellie 66 Replies latest jw friends
If a family member wanted to spend time with my daughter and they happened to be catholic it really wouldn't bother me, aslong as that family member was willing to be pleasant with me.
just out of curiosity, would you allow them to associate with catholics?
Same reasoning there. I would have to know that person very, very well, and know where they were going and with whom. I apply that to all people, irregardless of religious affiliation, but since the thread was titled "Would you let your child associate with Jehovah's Witnesses" I addressed my very specific concerns with that group.
If a family member wanted to spend time with my daughter and they happened to be catholic it really wouldn't bother me, aslong as that family member was willing to be pleasant with me.
Ellie, see I dont personally see much difference between a JW and other religious nuts. I have been around some non jw christians who are just as militant in their resolve to teach kids religoius dogma..that god will punish them if they dont listen or that people who are bad go to hell and burn forever or that Armaggedon and the end of the world is coming... I hear this kind of stuff almost every week from non jw's. Not the kind of people I particularly want my son to hang around either to fill his head with such bs. But rather than trying to keep my kid away from every fundie in the world I decided to just prepare him mentally and emotionally to face these kind of people. I try to teach him to respect their right to believe anything they want, but not their right to try to make him believe it. I tell him now that if someone wants to tell you what they believe but doesnt want to also listen to what you believe then simply tell them you dont want to talk about beliefs anymore..and mean it. That goes not just for JW family he may spend time with but for classmates or teachers or anyone else. Nina, its just your specific reasoning with regards to JW's no associating w/your kids is disheartening. I was a jw for what..25 years basically, and I never knew anything about other child abuse situations..actually I could never have imagined it happening on a large scale and I would have denied it with a passion to anyone who tried to make up such bullshit. Thats not because I was an evil, child abuse supporter, but because I believed that the org was gods earthly organization and that anything they said was said with gods holy spirit behind it. If they said apostates were making these things up then apostates were making these things up. Brainwashing at its best. Now if I saw or had direct knowledge of a child getting sexually abused I would know that it was true and would not have stood by idlely while it happened and I dont believe most of the R & F witnesses would ever stand by for it either.
Nina, its just your specific reasoning with regards to JW's no associating w/your kids is disheartening. I was a jw for what..25 years basically, and I never knew anything about other child abuse situations..actually I could never have imagined it happening on a large scale and I would have denied it with a passion to anyone who tried to make up such bullshit. Thats not because I was an evil, child abuse supporter, but because I believed that the org was gods earthly organization and that anything they said was said with gods holy spirit behind it. If they said apostates were making these things up then apostates were making these things up. Brainwashing at its best. Now if I saw or had direct knowledge of a child getting sexually abused I would know that it was true and would not have stood by idlely while it happened and I dont believe most of the R & F witnesses would ever stand by for it either.
I was one for 46 years, so I know where you're coming from, Flower. I had no idea of the extent of this problem until 1989. HOWEVER, with a lot of JW's who have that wholehearted, sincere belief in the goodness of the organization, they will make what we now know are STUPID mistakes of trust. EXAMPLE: My dad's (and mine) old congregation had a convicted child molester who was welcomed back after his stint in juvenile detention (he was 14 when he raped a 4-year-old girl in the congregation) as the prodigal son. He was invited to a skating party where my children were. He cuddled babies in his lap at meetings. His mother had a baby shower at their house which I attended along with my children, and they were encouraged to romp through the house and make themselves at home. I knew NOTHING of this little pervert (the 4-year-old wasn't his first -- he just got caught with that one) until one of the congregation gossips suggested that I not let my children go to the bathroom by themselves, and then told me the whole story. Now, if I had continued in blissful ignorance of this person, would I have trusted my children to go to a party where he was, without my supervision? Maybe. But having the advance knowledge, would I do so? Hell, no!
I never once said that all Jehovah's Witnesses are "evil, child abuse supporter[s]" -- please don't put words in my cyber-mouth -- but their blind trust in what they think is Jehovah's organization makes them gullible about those who ARE evil child abusers.
I don't see why you would find this line of reasoning disheartening, Flower. Seems like good common sense to me. I'd like to keep my children safe until adulthood, to the best of my ability.
johnny cip
flower; ive been reading your posts> and you give bad advice. not sure if your on the crack pipe or your family just happen to be the few jw's that don't push. your talking about 3 year old child here. stop your crap. ANY JW INDOCTRINATION IS BAD. these pll will not even let mom come to dinner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! duh. are you brain dead. my 5 and 10 year old nieces are argueing with me a master apostate about jehovah.. even tho none of them will ever become jw's. dad has instilled in thier mind this crap. just by baby sitting.. any shunned x jw that lets their kids so unsupervised with jw family is a dope. and flower . i hope your baby sitting family don't screw you in the long run. wake up and smell the DOPE JOHN
I never once said that all Jehovah's Witnesses are "evil, child abuse supporter[s]" -- please don't put words in my cyber-mouth -- but their blind trust in what they think is Jehovah's organization makes them gullible about those who ARE evil child abusers.
I don't see why you would find this line of reasoning disheartening, Flower. Seems like good common sense to me. I'd like to keep my children safe until adulthood, to the best of my ability.
If you check back you'll find that I didnt quote you as saying anything in my previous post. The typed word can be so easily misinterpreted. It was simply a descriptive term used to describe someone who would intentionally sit back and do nothing knowing a child was being abused. I was not attributing those words to you.
Anyway...I know where your coming from. Keeping our kids safe is everyones ultimate goal. I guess its a little frustrating for me to hear things said about the JW's that give off the impression that the average rank and file dub is someone who would turn a blind eye to a child being harmed sexually and therefore cant be trusted around children. I know thats not what you meant exactly...sorry :)