Here is a little post for all you people who believe in God, or at least the God that the Bible presents to us. First off, why would an all powerful being thrive on his creation's worship? That is a little selfish if you ask me, and a little childish. that'd be like building a masterpiece, and then expecting it to thank you every day of it's life instead of doing what it was designed to do. I believe we were designed to enjoy the earth to it's fullest, and each other's company. Also, God is a very big contradiction. Hmmm....let me make it a horrible crime for people to kill people, but i can do it cuz i'm God! wOot! Give me a break. how about this one. I will answer some people's prayers, but not others. People die every day DESPITE desperate prayers. yet others pray for some extra money and win the lottery! God must be on their side. and i don't buy that bull that God "works in mysterious ways". just waiting to hear your thoughts!
"No cool quote yet. but i'll think of one soon."