I apologize ahead of time for my anger and quasi-violent thoughts. It comes with the territory and isn't the OT filled with the violent acts of a god that acts like a jealous, tantruming child every time you turn the page? My daughter was raped when nine years old by a JW and no one ran to tell anyone. When I tried to warn other parents (his arrest had already appeared in the newspaper) most accused me of gossip. I have never seen a more idiotic, mentally disturbed group of people in my life. And I am qualified to say this. I have a degree in psychology, am publishing several books, and am going for my doctorate. I will leave out any claims of high IQ in the interest of not being called proud, but I have had to resort to laying all my credentials on the table at times when confronted with the ignorant brains of many JW's who try to reason with me. My soon to be ex-wife is a nurse and I don't know her feelings on confidentiality. I do know that if my privacy was ever compromised in a medical situation, the JW guilty of doing so would need medical help himself/herself.
Much of this boils down to the erroneous beliefs of JW's that they have/are the truth and that they own the universe. But their biggest error is that they do NOT speak for God and therefore there is no "issue" of choosing to keep their stupid mouths shut versus telling the elders. And I love the posts about the qualifications of the elders. I can count on one hand the number of elders I know who have any college education. Even if the WT was the truth, why would anyone go to the elders? What do they know? Their handling of the child abuse situation if proof enough of that. My daughter is now ten years older than when she was raped and is still in therapy.
I no longer believe in God or the Bible. But I can argue it with any JW and they will never win. I don't care if God himself said that abortion was wrong for a rape victim, I'd tell him where to go. There is no reasonable person in the world who could expect a 10 year old girl to bear a child due to being raped, face high school with a young child, and all the other things that go along with that. I don't give a damn what the OT says. We don't live under the OT anymore anyway, is that not true?
Mary has no business working in the medical field if she can't keep her jackass mouth shut. The laws of Caesar (privacy for the patient) are MORE important than the WT's understanding of the Bible, which is faulty at best. Even if God required her to report, she should find another job. EVERY person has the right to privacy. If God doesn't like it, then he can fix everyone's medical problems and none of us will ever have to be in the position of possibly having our privacy compromised. Mary should wash toilets just like most of the elders should be doing. I'm not belittling janitorial work or those that do it. I'm not worshipping college. People are what they are, and we are what we are born with and what we develop in our lives. My point here is that people are attempting to take on responsibilities for which they are clearly not qualified. They (the WT) also mocks those who ARE qualified, usually an ex-JW or some "worldly" person who doesn't agree with them. If you want a really good laugh and proof of this, look up the sites that quote the medical teachings that once appeared in the Watchtower and Awake. I won't go into it much here, but as a side point, why the hell is the WT getting involved in non-spiritual issues anyway? They once wrote in a 1943 WT that man would never escape earth's atmosphere, yet less than 30 years later, we walked on the moon. I don't remember any apostle writing anything about scientific issues, speculations about life on other planets, and other topics. (Pardon the tangent, it's just so tempting and easy to pull the trigger when they so eagerly love to wear a bullseye every time they open their ignorant mouths.
Mary wants to "keep the congregation clean"? Again, then let her clean the bathrooms. Seriously, doesn't the intentional cover-up of child abuse bring more reproach on the congregation than if one person quietly gets an abortion or takes blood, something that hurts no one, as compared to child abuse? What is the public more disturbed about, child abuse or taking blood? If anything, they hate JW's for NOT taking blood, not for taking it.
Gill, I loved your comments. Maybe Jesus is coming again, and this is another immaculate conception? No, that can't be right. Mary knows everything, having an IQ of 200, so she couldn't possibly do or think anything wrong. JW's would have made good agents for the KGB, with their desire to spy on the "enemy", whomever that is to them. JW's shouldn't ever be allowed to work in any job that requires privacy. I mean, if I owned a large corporation, what would stop a JW from giving trade secrets to my competition if he thought my company wasn't approved by god and the other company was? And maybe JW's shouldn't be allowed to be doctors or lawyers. If they have so much trouble keeping their big mouths shut, then why work in a field that might cause this type of problem?
I read 1984 seven times and loved it. Is this what JW's are coming to? I know it's the world they would like to see someday, but I'll never put up with it. When my child was called a liar and a whore by a pioneer husband and wife, I went to the elders to have them removed or at least punished. They refused to get involved. I almost got DF'd for telling people that the brother raped my child, but the spineless elders wouldn't tell two "exemplary" publishers not to slander my child (which later increased her need for therapy). I'm not proud of this, but I am Sicilian and have a temper. I actually had to threaten the brother and sister that if the verbal abuse didn't stop, I'd stop it myself, even if I was arrested for how I did it. And I meant every word. They did shut up, but he was made an elder and left the area. I don't advocate my methods as a regular thing, but has child abuse, slander, and other gross miscarriages of justice in the congregation become so bad that in order to get justice or to protect our rights, I have to invite some jackass JW to experience the resurrection as his personal means of obtaining eternal life?
Gill, yes, let's tell the whole country of JW's about the UN scandal. Let's mail every JW a letter directing them to Silent Lambs and Freeminds. Since JW's are so eager to always know the latest "truth", let's make sure they do. How about a weekly newsletter published by me and emailed to every JW I can find? I wonder if they'd like that? The person who said to "wait on Jehovah", that was great! That's what the WT and the elders tell us about child abuse. Yes, let's wait while another several thousand children are abused or molested. That makes a lot of sense, right? If child abuse can "wait on Jehovah", then Mary can keep her big, fat, stupid mouth shut and "wait on Jehovah". If she can't do that, then FIND ANOTHER JOB!!
I think I'll stop now before I get really annoyed. I'm going to cover all of this and far more in my books anyway. The best advice I can give anyone is to warn all your friends and neighbors about this sick cult. Email everyone on your list. And when you go to the doctor or a lawyer, ask about their staff and warn them if they have JW's onboard that they may be opening themselves up a one major lawsuit if they keep them as an employee. Maybe a few hundred JW's losing their jobs would teach them that non-JW's have rights and to mind their own ****ing business. Good luck to all.