Just wondering if anyone heard about the letter that was sent out to all congregations whose KH have an apartment attached to it. The edict from Bethel was that these apartments were to be vacated A.S.A.P. The reason: So retiring DO's & CO's with no place to go could occupy them. All the Pioneers living in these apartments had to get out. The WTBS has no place to put all these brothers and didn't want to send them out on the street. The new system was supposed to be here by now!
Kingdom Hall Apartments Must be Vacated!
by Disengaged 14 Replies latest jw friends
I was under the impression that no one could occupy them, neither COs nor DOs, because of tax issues.
No they are being occupied by CO & DO's
I'll have to re-read that letter.
this is indeed the process to become less "business like" in the eyes of the government..a brother who works at bethel in the 'higher up' dept. told me about this a while back.
Hey Dissie;
I have a copy of that letter, it was my impression that there were to many problems with calling money given rent or donation. They went to calling it donations and I believe many were not paying as expected. That happened here and you know who that was. Also calling it rent turned the local elder body into landlords and they went to town with that one. It's just a scam by the WT to relieve themselves of problems such as taxes or an apostate (heheh) taking over the KH and having wild sex parties going on with a meeting in session. They would have lost most of the congregation to the sex party. With no oral or anal of course.
Perhaps I can be of assistance on this issue (no, not in a spiritual way, but a legal one)... and may you all have peace.
As I have stated before, I spent 13 years in housing administration and here is the 'gist' of it:
Even if the CO's, DO's or whatever receive an apartment free of charge to THEM, as 'employees' of the WT, one- to two-thirds of the 'value' of that apartment (based on the monthly market rent rate), is taxable as income. The 'owner's' of such units, therefore, must issue a W-2 form to the 'tenants' delineating that 'value' to be filed with taxes, and must claim the adjusted 'value' as 'revenue'.
This is what occurs when, IN LIEU OF COMPENSATION, an apartment or other unit is given as 'living quarters'. On many occasions, it was necessary for me to live 'on-site' to clean up a project. In this light, 1/3 to 2/3 the 'value' of the unit which my family and I occupied was included in my 'gross' income, for income tax purposes.
Most probably, the WT it directing that RETIRED CO's/DO's reside in these units because they are no longer WORKING for the organization. Thus, the units are not 'living quarters' for 'employees'. Yes, prior to retirement, CO's, DO's, Branch Servants, Special Pioneers, Bethelites, Farms workers, etc., are all considered 'employees' of the organization with a minimum compensation/remuneration. That is why the government in Germany(?) was demanding that retirement accounts be set up for retired WT special pioneers, etc.). What is SO sad, however, is all of the 'cheap labor' they are gaining by DECEIVING these people into thinking that they are 'working'... for God. God, of course, doesn't NEED a printing plant, publishing company, farms, hotels, buildings, renovated theaters... or SEMINARY... uh, 'cuse me... 'Educational Complex' or whatever the heck they're calling it (can somebody define 'seminary' and then tell the good folks here the WT's so-called 'policy' on such? And then define the word HYPOCRITES...)
Anyway, in this way, they are simply units provided rent-free, and neither the WT, the local congregation OR the 'tenant', has to report income or pay taxes on any 'revenue'.
I hope this helps... and, again, I bid you peace.
A slave of Christ,
COs and DOs are part of the now decade old religious Order of Special Full Time Servants and bethelites. As such these individuals are considered as being under the 'vow of poverty'. By providing accommodation for these people in religious buildings (Kingdom halls/Assembly Halls) there is no taxable benefit nor rent..tho I presume these ones would be asked to care for maintenance and give as they are able to....
Often long time servants such as these remain on the list as Special Pioneers and continue to receive their allowance. Or if they so desire can quit and go look for other employment. This has tightened up a bit recently however. But if someone has been in fulltime service since their 20's and are now 70, the Society USUALLY will consider this arrangment.
Kismet - who realizes he sounds like he is defending the Borg but is more concerned with keeping things accurate.
Dearest Kismet... may you have peace!
May I ask you, if what you say is true... then wouldn't the matter not be limited to 'RETIRING' CO's and DO's, and thus include currently 'serving' CO's and DO's, as well as Special Pioneers and Missionaries? Have not ALL of these taken a 'special vow of poverty'?
And are not the Bethelites, farm, Branch, Facilities workers all 'employees' of the organization, who receive 'food and board' in exchange for compensation, and thus, if living in one of these units, subject to having such considered as 'remuneration' with a certain 'value'?
Just asking, and thank you in advance for your clarification.
Your servant and a slave of Christ,
SJ, who also wants to keep things 'accurate'.
Hi All,
Just going thru threads I missed whilst gone.
This makes me think of elderly Bro K,mentally challenged,no job skills who has been residing in the tiny apt, above my old cong. For about 2o yrs or so.....he's not reg pioneer.....has no family.
Does this mean poor old Bro K gets the heave ho onto the streets so some co or do can have the place?
Pretty sad scenario.......I heard they removed the bro who was PO there for a long time(he had a big heart,was a brother I really respected) and they now have a new 'hardliner'.....
Poor brother K............where will he go?
I've seen him about here and there in the area. He never was out and about before,,,,sitting at bustops,looking really rundown and seedy...I'll bet they ousted the poor guy. I'm gonna make a point to talk to him next time I see him,maybe he needs some help......Pondering sadly at the rewards given to the longtime 'faithful'....T