Kingdom Hall Apartments Must be Vacated!

by Disengaged 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day Tina, Welcome back!

    One of the things that could be said for having a clergy (ie. paid ministers0 is that at least they are provided for in their old age. Even if they have not bought a home in that time, they will have superannuation.

    Compare this with the situation you describe. How many of these men are there are?


    "There are two ways of moving men, interest and fear" Napoleon

  • Tina

    (((((((((Ozzie))))))))Thank you for the WB!
    I know christendom takes better care of their own than the WTS does of theirs. I shouldn't be amazed,after all this time,but I'm still grossly appaled at how they just use people up and throw them away. I do hope I see him and get to speak with him. If so,Ill let you know what the skinny is,luv,T---reminds of that inanity that was drummed into my head throughout my youth."You will know them by the love they have among themselves'.(snort)

  • ARoarer

    I had heard from a reliable source that the reason the Kingdom Hall apartments were to be vacated was because a former elder who was living in one of those apartments was disfellowshipped and asked to leave. The df'd elder refused on the basis that he was paying rent and as a tenant had never been late paying the Society. He got himself a lawyer, took it to Court, and it was found out that the Society was not claiming the rent income. The governemt doesn't like that. The df'd elder won his case in court and the Society lost. So immediately the letter went out to all those living in Kingdom Hall apartemnts. Hee Hee

  • MadApostate


    The CO/DO reasons above ring more true than that given by the source you spoke to.

    I doubt that a Cong would have given the Elder a lease, thus it would have been a monthly rental situation, which only requires a 30 day notice to vacate.

  • ARoarer

    Hi Mad, I understand what you are saying, however the story I had heard was that there was a caretaking arrangement, not a lease. I have known elders that have lived with families in Kingdom Hall apartments, that were asked to leave. I never was privy to what exactly their arrangement was accept that they were to "donate" a certain amount every month. Maybe the elder who was df'd was able to fight the Society over some loophole. Anyway, maybe my "reliable source" had been misinformed along the way. Any way, I agree with You Tina, about how the Society uses and then just throws you away.

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