Can someone tell me what the image on page 15 top left in "Keep on the Watch" booklet is?
Image on page 15 of "Keep on the watch" study
by skin 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
Could you scan and post it for us?
In the prophecy in Daniel it says a rock is cut out a mountain, hits the idol at the base (notice the rock at the feet), and grinds it up into dust.
"You, O king, happened to be beholding, and, look! a certain immense image. That image, which was large and the brightness of which was extraordinary, was standing in front of you, and its appearance was dreadful. 32 As regards that image, its head was of good gold, its breasts and its arms were of silver, its belly and its thighs were of copper, 33 its legs were of iron, its feet were partly of iron and partly of molded clay. 34 You kept on looking until a stone was cut out not by hands, and it struck the image on its feet of iron and of molded clay and crushed them. 35 At that time the iron, the molded clay, the copper, the silver and the gold were, all together, crushed and became like the chaff from the summer threshing floor, and the wind carried them away so that no trace at all was found of them. And as for the stone that struck the image, it became a large mountain and filled the whole earth. DANIEL 2:31-35The WTS interpretation:
w00 5/15 p. 17 Have Faith in God’s Prophetic Word! ***By divine power the Messianic Kingdom "stone" was then cut out of the "mountain" of God’s universal sovereignty. At Armageddon that stone will strike the image and grind it to powder. As a governmental mountain affecting "the whole earth," the Messianic Kingdom will stand forever.—Daniel 2:35, 45; Revelation 16:14, 16.
A Paduan
By divine power the Messianic Kingdom "stone" was then cut out of the "mountain" of God’s universal sovereignty. At Armageddon that stone will strike the image and grind it to powder. As a governmental mountain affecting "the whole earth," the Messianic Kingdom will stand forever.—
a stone that will make men stumble, a rock that will make them fall; and he who believes in him will not be put to shame
they drank from the supernatural rock which followed them, and the rock was Christ
The very stone which the builders rejected has become the head of the corner
hey skin
if you Really want to know what the picture depicts we will be studying Daniels prophecy, which the Image is expalined by daniel himself under Gods inspiration. We will be studying this after we get done with Keep on the Watch.
At bethel, in the photgraphy department, they actually had the model that was used to paint this picture. It first appeared in the Daniel's Whatever book.
All the kids were like WOW and seeing if they could name all the world powers. I could hardly breathe because I was laughing so hard (or maybe it was because we were doing a lot of walking...)
if you Really want to know
What a classic JW "preaching" technique. Translation: "If you really want to know, then submit yourself to our brainwashing program. Don't come here to get honest responses. Go to a meeting where nobody will dare question the WTS explanation and everybody will be parroting it for an hour until you start buying into it."
In other words, you can't really want to get an answer if you've come to this site.
Pole -
it looks like fraggle rock
defd: according to my JW sorces it has been said that Armegeddon will probably come before the Daniel book. What is your thought on this please.