Upper left hand corner? Looks like a cross between Batman smiling and Jabba the Hut.
by skin 26 Replies latest watchtower bible
Upper left hand corner? Looks like a cross between Batman smiling and Jabba the Hut.
Looks like kryptonite...although I was too distracted looking up the image's skirt expecting to see a giant penis up there....
- Preston
Well, that there rock has been "hurtling" toward the feet of the statue since 1914, so it's gonna smack it good any day now. Its a shame the stone cutter didn't have a better throwing arm. Humanity would have had proof of God's existence at least by 1975.
Maybe he has excrement and has gone to the privy? Betchya they won't stop wailing to the heavens though.
although I was too distracted looking up the image's skirt expecting to see a giant penis up there....
Which world power was the penis?
The DONG dynasty?
I know thats cheesy as hell...
but I've been drinking anyhow...
although I was too distracted looking up the image's skirt expecting to see a giant penis up there....
Wow....(eyes bulging)...I never even thought about that until you mentioned it...now I'm all messed up...good thing I'm not going to meetings anymore, or I'd be snickering and laughing to myself all during the book study. I would love to be like this brother I know who would ask questions in the middle of the study.
"Which world power is the giant penis?" "I beg your pardon?" "What, you can't see the giant penis?"
'If God had destryed the rebels right away, that would have demonstrated his power, but it would not have settled the issues raised.'
Well, what about the flood? He killed ALL the rebels before. Killed the entire planet, save one family.
Gen 6: 5 Consequently Jehovah saw that the badness of man was abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time. 6 And Jehovah felt regrets that he had made men in the earth, and he felt hurt at his heart. 7 So Jehovah said: “I am going to wipe men whom I have created off the surface of the ground, from man to domestic animal, to moving animal and to flying creature of the heavens, because I do regret that I have made them.”
Well I think the art department has inserted a demonic figure - I remember studying this the other night and wondering what the hell it was
steve, remember the WTS presents this as a universal issue, so the devil and the wicked angels were not destroyed at the time of flood; so rebels against God were still around.
Remember most of the "logic" the WTS uses to explain all this is not found in the Bible.
Actually, I think the WTS originally taught that the rock was cut out in 1874 and that the nations would be pulverized in 1914. The first time I read this in a WT publication I was stunned. Because most of the WT publications were out of date and the JWs from that time dead or dying off, few of my generation had a clue.
The Divine Purpose from 1959 has no mention; the 1975 Yearbook has one mention but it is not indexed; not until 1993 when the Proclaimers book came out did the WTS admit to this teaching (probably because of the internet revealing it).
The model that Richie is referring to is behind glass in a display box. I believe I took this picture at Patterson if I remember correctly.....
Is that seriously a recent publication ?