"The Creation Adventure Team" LOL

by love11 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • love11

    That wasn't the weirdest thing that happened though. My son came home crying last year and my daughter had a really mad look on her face. I asked the kids what happened and my daughter told me that Abby wasn't allowed to play with my son anymore because girls and boys shouldn't play with each other because that might lead to sexual conduct. Abby is 7 and my son is 5 and acts like he's 4. He was so hurt by that and my daughter said, "I'm not going to play with her anymore if she won't let my brother in her backyard." Nothing happened to start this. I found out through Abby that a talk was recently given at their church and the parents got over zealous. Now they play with each other again.

    But everytime I see the back of their car drive by, I just chuckle to myself because they have a bumper sticker that says "Evolution is a LIE" HAHAHAHAHAHA

  • doogie
    they have a bumper sticker that says "Evolution is a LIE"

    you should ask them why. they'll probably just laugh back at ya. 10 bucks says they don't have even the slightest understanding of what they are calling a lie.

  • love11

    Thanks everybody!

    Daddy- they wouldn't get that joke because they don't watch the Simpsons. I guess that's Satanic too! LOL

    I didn't know Satan was controlling so many animators, Pokemon, Simpsons, Smurfs....LOL

  • love11

    doogie- Oh, I know they don't. These people are probably as educated as I was when I was in Jr. High School.

  • Abaddon

    Well, maybe whilst their stinking little video is in the your house the deminz will tape over it with a Pokemon cartoon?

    I will post refutations of dishonest creationistic claims later, but right now I'm leaving work.

  • drwtsn32

    LMAO...how ridiculous! There's probably nothing really you can say to your neighbors to convince them it's bunk. In their worldview the bible *has* to be correct and *must* be interpreted literally. In that case the earth is only 6,000 years old and dinosaurs had to coexist with man.

  • GetBusyLiving

    I would love to get a copy of that video. Sounds about on par with the societies video releases.


  • love11

    almost- I began reading what talkorigins had to say. Wow they really nail it on the head! I'm wondering if I should make copies of it and put it in the vcr case when I give it back to them. Wouldn't that be funny!! I'm bad.

    No.. I really don't care what they believe it's just that I don't care for someone telling me that what I believe is wrong or satanic. I'm getting sick of them judging my kids. The other day Abby told my daughter that her clothes looked like a boy because she was wearing a t-shirt and shorts, my daughter spoke up and told her that most people don't think a plaid skirt looks cool Only you do! That shut her up. HAHA

  • love11

    GBL- I'm not sure if I know how to copy a vcr tape, otherwise I'd give you a copy. It has a really generic looking dinosaur character in it, with a generic castrated version of Bill Nie (?) the science guy, and a Kenny Rogers looking "paleontologist" actor.

  • Abaddon

    These two links deal with the blood claim, which is utterly false. A more cynical manipulation and misrepresentation of data to allow false claims is hard to imagine.

    It either speaks of a sincerely held false belief fostered by massive, willfull scientific ignorance, or intentional and deliberate construction of a false argument to mislead people.

    Anyone with an alternate explanation for it is welcome to rebutt the articles I post or my claims


    This site is the classic knock-silly-creationistic-nonsense website


    This is an article from a website headlined as 'Evidence for God from Science', and it agrees with the talkorigins article!

    It is nice to see some 'believer' websites can say;

    "As Christians we have the responsibility to pursue truth in all matters. When we are wrong, we need to admit it"

    Unfortunately ignorance about evolutionary biology, and a lack of willingness to overcome this ignrance by studying the subject means that such nonsense spreads quickly amongst the creationist community;






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