Abaddon- Thank you for all the information, especially the one about the dinosaur blood!
I think I might give her a taste of her own medicine. Thanks HEHE
by love11 53 Replies latest jw friends
Abaddon- Thank you for all the information, especially the one about the dinosaur blood!
I think I might give her a taste of her own medicine. Thanks HEHE
I decided on giving her a copy of these two links- http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/dinosaur/blood.html http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/faq-noahs-ark.html I'll let you know how it goes.
love11--I really feel sorry for the kids of your neighbors. My kids are older now, but I used to really get annoyed when other people were always telling me what was bad for my kids when they were young--Pokeman, WWF Wrestling, Harry Potter, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, video games, etc etc. I try not to be an overprotective parent but try to be balanced, and what do you know--my kids are turning out great! Better than a lot of JW kids I grew up with. My kids are very smart, and WWF Wrestling and Buffy did not make them turn out to be violent.
wow, i have never even heard of that one before. what will they come up with next. well, there have already been a bunch of really good sources posted here, so you're in good hands!
let 'em have it...
...and don't forget to tape a Pokemon cartoon over the dino video; blame the deminz!
I'd looove to see the "Creation Adventure Team" pay a visit to Jurassic Park. I know they will have loads of fun there!
love2- I know!!! Those poor kids! And they keep having more and more. All of them are being home schooled and I can't even think about how they are going to be able to survive in the REAL world as adults. Hopefully, none of them will be the futures mental patients or suicide bombers. It's really bizarre how the girls are always in dresses and none of them have been vacinated!!! The government should sterilize these kinds of people. I try to avoid her like the plague, but I have to walk past her house to go to the park. Every time she comes out and wants to tell me about the new things her church is doing and invites me. I've tried everything to shake her. Even talking weird around her, like I'm crazy and it's just not stopping, maybe to her that's normal. LOL
leola- The funny thing is that this video is called "The Jurassic Ark Mystery". HAHAHAHAHAHA
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7285683 Scientists recover T. rex soft tissue 70-million-year-old fossil yields preserved blood vessels
Science via AP Tissue fragments from a Tyrannosaurus rex femur are shown at left, when it is flexible and resilient and when stretched (arrow) returns to its original shape. The middle photo shows the bone after it is air dried. The photo at right shows regions of bone showing fibrous character, not normally seen in fossil bone. |
Here is the response of the evolutionary site "TalkOrigins" to a video from the above msnbc link:
A significantly better video was presented on MSNBC, and is linked from Scientists recover T. rex soft tissue 70-million-year-old fossil yields preserved blood vessels. No "Jurassic Park" footage, but here again, Schweitzer made easily misinterpreted statements contradicted by her published work. Just one example was her statement that the contents of vessels could be readily "squeezed out." Since she offered no laboratory procedure as a context, this left the impression that these remains just popped out of the bone as fresh as if the dinosaur died yesterday.