Welcome colorado5591 !!!

by OldSoul 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC

    Oh, Im sorry I truly didnt know that about the drugs. I would not have made my smart alec remark above.

    God was I blind or something? Im sorry, as you can see we have a lot of catching up.

    Im glad your doing good... ((((colorado))))

  • colorado5591

    Holy crap! It was right after you left home, and all that was left was Quhui Dog. you were busy getting busy with your wife. Jeebus! I never did crack or meth specifically so no offense taken.

  • IP_SEC

    I only beat you up and put June bugs in your hair 'cause I was jealous of your good looks.0


    Mwhahahahahah Bwhahahahahhahaha

  • RichieRich

    Awww! Showin the love.

    Anyone cool enough to put up with Matt's crap is cool enough for me.

    Welcome Colorado, I'm here to help if you are in need of an anecdote or colloquialism to get you through your day.

    and watch out for the monkeys!

  • RichieRich
    put June bugs in your hair

    I ate one of those for a dollar in 4th grade.

    tasted like uncooked pasta and peanut butter...

  • Sunspot


    We're glad you found us!

    I'm a feisty Irish Senior Citizen exJW who was in from 1969-1999 and I live in upstate NY.

    Nice to have you aboard!



  • TheListener

    Welcome Colorado. I find the thread confusing but enjoyable. Much like my life.

  • colorado5591

    that one guy ip_sec aka matt, is my oldest brother, 7 years my senior. I got the "fornication boot" from the org back in 98 and he and I sorta lost touch over the years.

    Long story long, I was rather terrorized as a child by him. Bugs in the hair,making me cry and laughing at me for it, annoying songs and phrases, telling me my hands and feet were webbed when I was born and that you automatically win at poker if you fold, and lets not forget the random slaps upside the head.

    But, he also introduced me to AC/DC and Van Halen, taught me how to shoot a gun, spelunk in indian caves, break and ride horses, milk cows, throw a lasso, and all sorts of things. I think he might have stuck up for me once or twice but I'll have to get back to you on that one.

    Mostly its just great to have him back in my life. I have only 2 pictures of all 3 of my brothers and myself together at the same place since we were wee lads. Graduation and a funeral! For so long I have looked at those photos and been sad that we all became so distant because we thought we were doing what was right in God's eyes....but how can something like that be right in ANYONE'S eyes?

  • colorado5591

    Crap indeed! I am deathly afraid of june bugs to this day! They are icky and smell like poo....

    What do you mean about watching out for the monkeys. I got all my monkeys in check! Steady spankin those monkeys!

    I want to get curious george for my next tatoo (my other one is getting lonely) So it will be curious george all passed out next to the bottle of Ether with lil x's on his eyes.

  • IP_SEC

    Sweetie, I love you zaims. You remembered! You've got me ova heia blubbering like a little gurl. everytime I see curious george I think of you sweetie.

    Ima a lucky sombitch.

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