What if hypothetically, legally, etc. peeps were go to the convention and leave copies of the UN info. in strategic areas?
Operation UN applseed. Covert convention evil slaving.
by avishai 12 Replies latest jw friends
Well, it would keep the attendants busy.
I think a better strategy would be to post bills with the info. on telepohone poles along all the pedestran routes to the sites and near the hotels!
You're one sneaky bugger A!
How 'bout all of the above? While were at it, how about Alleymom's 607 KISS strategy page?
By the way, I'm serious, I think it's necessary.
I think Aude_Sapere's idea on another thread may work - plant flyers in Bibles / books left unattended on seats.
Ahhhh, well, that's messing with other people's stuff..... I can't approve of that. How about on the inside walls of the bathroom stalls?
It's been a lot of years since I went to a convention site but I'm under the impression that they take security very seriously these days.
I didn't think of it as 'messing with others' stuff' - no damage, just a small piece of paper tucked in a book(That would be reaching an individual, who may not find it immediately) - it's quite lawful to put same under car-wipers in car parks. If you plant in 'bathrooms' maybe a few will get a brief look but I think anything will get swiftly removed and then the bathroom will be ''supervised''
then the bathroom will be ''supervised''
lol. Andy
LOL @ Avengers. You rock, man.