Operation UN applseed. Covert convention evil slaving.

by avishai 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • BrendaCloutier

    (((Avi))), you could get restaurants and other retail establishments in the immediate area of the convention to post flyers in their windows.

    I'd worry about the laws of "post no bills" on the telephone and light poles. You could get in trouble for that.

    The oldfashioned sandwich boards of the 1950s comes to mind, along with Ethel Merman singing God Bless America outside of Yankee Stadium in 1958.

    Talk Radio, while the dubs are in town, exposing their hypocrisies. Getting other mainstream religious groups involved. News media?

    The simple statement "Watchtower Bible and Tract Society was a dues paying NGO Member of the United Nations from 1991 to 2001" (or whatever the correct years)

    Another could read "You don't have to be a United Nations NGO to use their library!"

    Quote the Awake! mags on possitive UN press. Also, the WT April 1 2004 on the "not all governments are of the devil" from another thread.

    I know.... I'll get my own Karma for this, but whos to say that it isn't JUST my Karma going around?

  • avishai

    Brenda, Karma is an invention by a messed up religion to keep the lower castes down, i,e "You messed up in a past life, that's why we get to treat you like shit now". So don't worry 'bout it!!

  • jaffacake
    Karma is an invention by a messed up religion

    You mean like 'new light' !? Intresting point.

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