During your time as a JW were there any instances where other JWs of the opposite sex young or old, attempted to sexually seduce you?
Sexual advances from JWs.
by greendawn 14 Replies latest jw friends
Robert K Stock
Unfortunately no. As a horny but celibate young man it would have been a dream come true.
That was unfortunately also my experience as a young sex starved JW.
Har...Har...Har!! Not in my lifetime...In or out of the WT. I wasn’t sex starved it was malnutrition BIG TIME. Will say when I married the love of my life...................now scuse me while I go wipe the tears from my eyes. Seduced? Heh...Heh...not me. Maybe it was my breath....
I have had numerous come on's from married JW sleazy sluts.Not interested in a 'good time' just twisted abuse to get me in trouble and get attention.
I love Woman no offense to the gender.
The JW men are slime too.
The claws come out when I am around from female dubs and the guys are paying attention to me. Like I want a dub. As if. LOL!!
To answer your question no dub has tried to seduce me. Tried to get me back to KH so they can date me but no never tried to seduce.
Mainly my Brother In Law from Sacramento. Bill was horney and his wife was and is cold as a stone in that department. Other than that and the fact that most of the older 'brothers' talked to my tits and not me, there was not much hanky panky goin on. Redwood Valley and Willits are pretty small towns, hard to get away with that type of thing... lol...
One very attractive older sister who had been sexually abused used to stick her tits in my shoulder -it had to be deliberate
:One very attractive older sister who had been sexually abused used to stick her tits in my shoulder -it had to be deliberate
Reefton Jack
On this forum you hear of some extremely wild stories.
Did I keep boring company or something?
- Anyway, being a JDub in three different countries and over a 25 year period, I never encountered anything remotely like it!