Sexual advances from JWs.

by greendawn 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    I hadn't really thought about the 'seduction' attempts but remembered my mum getting very cross with some young JW men about 19 or 20 years old who kept 'coming around' when I was about 13 to 14 years old and getting far too close for ANYONES liking. Then they kept asking if they could 'take me out'. At which my Mum got really angry with them. They just couldn't get the message. They were two pioneers by the way.

    Then they said to her, and I remember this occassion well as I've never heard my Mum get angry with a fellow JW before that occassion, they asked when I would be ready for them to take out.

    She was so mad she shooed them out of the house and told them she never wanted to see them around me again and if they showed their faces she'd be speaking to the elders if not the police.

    I didn't see them again as they came from another congregation any way. Glad I never got to find out what they wanted!

    But in all these years I hadn't really thought about those two slithery slime balls. Though I do remember being stupid enough to be flattered by their attention.

  • RichieRich

    You witnesses aren't supposed to date without intentions to get married. A lot of kids (girls especially) run around "liking" people, but don't want to get in trouble for trying to date them....

    Yes, a beautiful young dub seduced me (I didn't exactly fight her off) and to this day I love her ALOT...

  • pratt1

    Interesting question.

    I was married at a fairly young age and the marriage was doomed from the start. We separated and I continued to go to the hall. We did not have "scriptural grounds" for a divorce at this point.

    Well in my hall there were many, I mean many, single sisters in the early 20's to late 30's, all looking for a husband.

    I can name at least 6 sisters who made it very clear that they we available for a little action. Interestingly enough, they were supposedly "spiritual sisters" , and also friends or at least associates of my estranged wife.

    I always thought that they wanted to get in trouble with me, giving my wife grounds for a divorce and then the elders would pressure me to marry them.

    It's not that I was such a great catch, but I was college educated, employed and a MS.

    I also know of other brothers who had the same experinces.

    Oh... and I actually seduced a dub.

    But I married her.

  • Crumpet

    Maybe if there had been I'd have stuck around - no only kidding!

    There was one guy I saw behind my parents back for a while when I was 15 and another who was a bible study when I was 16 who was 38, but thank goodness - it never went beyond a little necking. I was far too much of a goody goody to go further!

  • RichieRich
    when I was 16 who was 38

    THat guy had to be a weirdo. Who is interested in someone less that half their age? Honestly... He would have fit right in with some elders!

    But Crumpet, I must say he had to have impeccable tastes!!

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