I hadn't really thought about the 'seduction' attempts but remembered my mum getting very cross with some young JW men about 19 or 20 years old who kept 'coming around' when I was about 13 to 14 years old and getting far too close for ANYONES liking. Then they kept asking if they could 'take me out'. At which my Mum got really angry with them. They just couldn't get the message. They were two pioneers by the way.
Then they said to her, and I remember this occassion well as I've never heard my Mum get angry with a fellow JW before that occassion, they asked when I would be ready for them to take out.
She was so mad she shooed them out of the house and told them she never wanted to see them around me again and if they showed their faces she'd be speaking to the elders if not the police.
I didn't see them again as they came from another congregation any way. Glad I never got to find out what they wanted!
But in all these years I hadn't really thought about those two slithery slime balls. Though I do remember being stupid enough to be flattered by their attention.