blow out at kingdumb hall build today

by johnny cip 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    Thats interesting purplesofa, I kinda find it hard to believe in this day and age there are still kingdom halls that think that way, that was always the one point JW's tried to make that they alone are the only religion that has racial tolerance, oh I've known a few JW's that were prejudiced, but never encountered a kingdom hall that refused black speakers.


  • EvilForce


    I know you mentioned you felt Jonny's actions were a bit over the top and come off as a rabid, insane, crazy apostate. And you may be right. But I compare it with the uber-drag queens, and leather wearing slaves, and cowboys w/ assless chaps at Gay Pride parades. Many in the gay community feel that these guys/gals HURT our effort instead of helping because it shows homos as some sort of crazy, insane, non-normal people. We are seeking "normality" they say...let's show them how normal we are..... and I kind of felt this way for a time too. However.. I now feel that why should us homos make ourselves into the same white, suburban, Gap wearing, boring ass str8 folks? LOL - I now celebrate we can be free and as loud as we want. Let Jonny do the same...for it is better that he makes his presence known than simply sitting at home doing nothing isn't it? And some will be dissuaded by his remarks..... as I'm sure some would be dissuaded by my approach. Viva le revolution!!!!

    Go get um Jonny Cip!!!

  • gumby

    I'm very surprised you got as far as you did. I would have thought if you showed up at a hall and said what you did they wouldn't give you the time of day and demanded you leave swiftly. Hmmmm


  • avishai

    Hey, if you got that far, more power to you!!

  • purplesofa
    I kinda find it hard to believe in this day and age there are still kingdom halls that think that way,

    Junction Guy,

    Sorry to mislead, the community runs black JW's out of town, not the kingdom halls, but I think the KH has accepted the ways of the community......and there is prejudice, it is unspoken by few, but It is there among many KH's that I have attended. Nice to your face kinda thing and then think what they want. My KH, I do believe there are more black than white publishers.......but all the elders and MS are white, one black MS newly appointed last year.

    I will get the info on the town I am speaking of.......there were house burnings and people would be at the edge of town with guns and not let black JW's(for field service and speackers) So now there are no black witnesses in town and I have heard no black speakers come there either.

  • Junction-Guy

    Evil Force does have a point. I dont care one bit what people are thinking of me when im out there picketing. One of the last few holdouts from my JW days was excessive worry about what other people think. We were always concerned what people thought and always had to watch our backs, now I no longer give a rats you know what.

    Bravo Johnnycip

  • LittleToe

    John:Whilst my own "style" is to innoculate non-JWs and to arm large bodies of people (e.g church groups) to confound door-knockers, I can totally apppreciate that it takes different strokes for different folks.

    Keep up the good work, John!!!

    We're not all cookie-cutter ex-JWs. Some of us just get on with rebuilding the lives of ourselves and our families, and that's admirable, others are "Apostate" in the truest sense of the JW-definition. To each their own, and they WILL appeal to a different type of person (as Honesty showed).

    The direct approach is possibly least effective (as we know from our door-knocking days), because the barriers are trained to come up. HOWEVER, if you succeed in being the catalyst for freeing just one mind, wasn't it worth it?!!!

    The only time I object to those kind of methods is when children are involved. I'd rather see that they had a life free from that kind of confrontation, as they tend to see it a little differently than adults. But that's just a personal opinion.

    "Go, Johnny, go, go, go" - just don't get yerself arrested

    I'm impressed at your doorstep method. I'm sure you wont mind if I start teaching that to folks who can turn around and say they were never JWs
    More "tools" for the arsenal!

  • sf

    {{ long lasting warm hug for purp }}

    I sure had tons of fun there. I have not let up either. I do the same in yahoo now, and have been. The course that room has taken speaks volumes on how effective it is in what I do. I hope that doesn't sound too vain. It is the reality.

    When you spend the time scanning, copying, pasting exhaustively like I do to the lurkers, seekers and even some jws, as you can testify to, it only stands to reason at least one person will grab out at it. And THEN it is all worth the time and energy. I'm glad I was able to help you with that purps.


  • Dune

    Arent you proving WTS right whenever you pull a splinter cell/metal gear? Just a thought...

  • AlanF

    Bravo, johnnycip!


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