purplesofa; if you have talked with skally . you were in good hands, she has a no nonsense approach. and knows enough about most any wt subject. to handle any jw. just to clear up a few comments. this all happened in the street and not inside the hall. i was nice till the bethelites elders come over and thought. they were going to boss me around. like they were doing to the locals. i used it as a chance to shoot down these taskmasters . and make them look like moral and spritual drunkards. that i know the locals look up to. i allways try to make jw's think. and hit a hot button. thats when you see. how brainwashed they are. once you got them wacking out. i keep pushing till they walk about . they here what i'm saying. and i let them know . in all your years as a jw you most likely never met someone like me . you have learned more from me in 15 minutes about the wt than you have in all your years. it will be my pleasure to meet you at the kh library and show you everything i just told you , from their books. this bethel guy said to me look at all these jw's they are all happy! i said i don't see one smiling face here. including you. i just see you and your partner. whipping these jw's to work. so they willn't have to talk to me and maybe learn something. then he attacked me. and asked me what do i have. looking at my old truck. but he was talking also in a spritual sense . told him. 30 years ago . i could have been a dope like you and went to bethel and worked for .......25 cents an hour. and being told what time to eat,shit, and kiss ppl asses that talk to me like i'm a pee on. having to share a room with some shithead bro. from mississippi. who does fart all night and jerk 's off on my teeshirts about some one leged sister from queens .and helped make the wt rich . while i wasted the best years of my life. like your doing now. no i saw throught the wt bullshit before 1975 and 1975 was the clincher. now all these years later i have a family 2 kids ready for college. a house and a small business. looking to retire in about 10 years. with jesus as my lord and savior. which of these things do you have as a bethel elder? you so much as say boo and the wt will put your ass out on the street. without even as much as a bus ticket home . to your parents, that most likely are dead allready and gave all there belongings to the wt.. i told him one day when you come out of your dazed and confused mentel state. you will remember talking to me. just hope it's before your old and gray.. even tho i was yelling a lot i'm sure he heard me. john
blow out at kingdumb hall build today
by johnny cip 74 Replies latest jw friends
johnny cip
Paragraphs man! Paragraphs!!!
You rants are better to read then :)
Johnny cip..I about choked on my drink reading your wonderful account with all that down 'n dirty cynical "cracker" humour........I had to stop reading and catch my breath! There was a time when those of us who left that crap because we finally saw what it was, just had to bottle up the rage and get on with the business of living in the real world as best we could. It was damn hard having no one to talk to about the insights and the outrage. I took it really hard because that religion was my Family, I was a true believer. Now I feel the same way about it as you do....it's an evil stinking pack of lies, a life altering scam that robs bright kids of their futures and teaches them that scrubbing toilets when some of them could be doing brain surgery is what God wants them to do. I prostituted my intellect to further the Borg's bullshit, wasted the best years of my life circling the drain. When I look back on those years I know I was like an insect in a jar looking at life through the walls of a manmade prison of utterly mind wrecking boredom, trapped in a sterile and airless life that dragged on and on and on..always going to end soon. In fact nothing was going to happen except this: you were going to grow old and die waiting for the End. I am so thankful I got out in time to have a life, raise my kids to have real lives, travel, see the world and have a career. Guys like you are doing what a LOT of us wish we could. Rant away....something you say will stick in someone's mind just long enough for them to think about it. Borgites never hear REAL talk, all they hear is that fruity-tooty Borg-speak mumbo-jumbo all the time. If you"re going to get through you have to shock. I once saw a very sad looking guy at an assembly many years ago picketing with a placard that read "WRONGFULLY DISFELLOWSHIPPED!!!" He looked right at me as I walked by and some little frission passed between us. I made a mental note of him and his plight. I guess he saw an intelligent response although silent as I didn't sneer at him as so many did. He got a point across to me and I've never forgotten him. It takes all kinds to get through to all kinds......Rant away..wish I could be there!! LOL "sister's will take their teeth out to gum you to death......" I might need Valium for your next post!!!
Black Sheep
Nice one Johnny. It makes my day reading your posts.
If there is any criticism I feel I must make it is this: Foul language.
You would have my wife's attention until she heard a swear word and then her brain would just turn right off and nothing would go in, no matter how much sense it made and no matter how loud you said it.
You have a great message, a prodigious memory, and the balls to get out there and deliver it, so pleeeeese, keep people like my wife listening.
Luv ya man
Hi Johnny!
Loved reading your story. I laughed so much. It just brought back memories of the 'old' JW days.
I didn't realise they were 'doing up' the bethel in Crooklyn! Wonder how much that's costing!
I hope you made some people/slaves think. In fact it made me feel sad remembering all those poor people slaving for the WTBTS, and this time literally slaving for them, so I'm glad to hear that 'Moses' turned up to do some ass kicking on their behalf.
Though I understand why some feel that the direct approach causes the blinkers to go up, and I used the think the same, I think now that it doesn't.
Maybe the blinkers do initially go up but the brain's is still in that head that is really interested in what you're saying and in time, what you've said, and what they've tried not to listen to is stewing away in their minds.
Perhaps direct confrontational efforts are more important, if you can get enough said.
I don't think assembly picketing is much use but if you can actually get to talk to the JWs then in time, they develop the courage to start thinking. They just need a good 'kick' in the thought engine every so often to spark them off wondering.
Please try to use paragraphs, it makes it a lot easier to read what you're saying. If necessary just click on enter after every few sentences, else I need to put my reading glasses and my husband's reading glasses on to have a good laugh at your story.
Well done, Johnny!!
Will you be making a return visit next week?
nice one johnny! even if just one jw thinks about what you said then its been worth it. keep up the good work.
Between guys like you and the fundie Christians its a wonder anybody ever leaves the Watchtower at all
i agree, typically in my exp this tactic is the least effective when dealing with those in high control groups-
even the jw have learned that to picket out in front of churches is a weak method of convincing folks to join the jw, so they got rid of the placards and protesters who used tomarch in front of churches on sunday, setup the theocratic sales school and learned tact- asking folks what is the name of your little dog, or i just love these flowers you planted out front, etc the softer approach always works better and for the poster to think that he would get jw standing in front of other jw to agree with him, he is wasting his time
it is hard enough when you talk in private let alone talking to some poor rank and file jw in front of his elders and bethelites and then to actually think they are going to listen to you
bad move my man bad move
while you may have got some steam off your chest, and if that was your purpose cool-
but if your purpose was to help jw get out - in my exp you failed and failed terribly
this sunday you will be used as the poster child during someones talk and wt as to why to stay in the wt-
you sounded to them - like a rabid person foaming at the mouth in their view and they will paint you as such
for you to not have known that is what makes it really sad
you neeed to educate yourself on how to deal with those in high control groups and this way you can be better effective
unless you were just looking for a PISSING match to start with
John ... I'm sure they're still shaking in their boots ... likely from laughing AT you! ######### yep and esp the bethelites for the poster reminded them of a apostate who used to stand out in front of bethel for years called MR Coffee and we used to laugh at him each morning so for many they are used to seeing former jw act this way and it only serves to confirm in their mind WE GOT THE TROOOOF
johnny, johnny, johnny,
Nice job. All people are not the same. Some people here think you used the wrong approach. These are the people for whom that approach would not work.
Some people here believe that your approach was perfect. These are the people for whom this approach would work just fine.
Personally I don't do subtle. I don't like it when people beat around the bush and leave me to try and figure out what the heck their point is. I prefer the direct approach. Don't leave them wondering what your point is.
Works for me. And besides I bet it was theraputic as hell. Hot Damn I wish some JW's would knock at my door right now!!!!!
Personally I don't do subtle.
i think you are confusing being subtle with being effective, shouting in folks faces rarely is the most effective way to get their attention to take actions, and yes as you mentioned for some that will indeed work,
but due to the wt conditioning they are expecting the Frontal attack and therefore they mentally respond to such by shutting down, such an approach has been taught by any half good elder and co for years
"all former jw are angry, mad, upset, etc, the avg jw has been trained to expect that"
i can to the net over 8yrs ago and during that time my wife and i have helped 57folks get out and almost everyone singleone of them told us, if we had jumped on them and beat them they would have shut down
my point is not whether one way works and the other doesn't, my point is what is Effective
and for those of us who have been at this game for some time, we have seen what works better and what doesn;t
when i read this portion of the post i just shook my head:. "Hot Damn I wish some JW's would knock at my door right now!!!!!"
while it does feel good to take a rank and file jw to task with our knowledge of the org that they don't have, the problem or issue in my view is not some little old sister or 13yr jw kid standing at our door, for they are merely drones-
for me it is very important to know the difference between the unedcuated rank and file and we know just how little they know about the org and the "Organization"
the two are not the same-
even some elders are just as dumb as a lightbulb-
in my exp the wt has built up this "image" of what an a apostate is, acts like, behaves, etc-
my only queestion is why would anyone what to prove the wt correct after the wt has shafted us all those years- why prove the wt right, to me the last thing i would want to do is put a feather in the wt hats-
Why be a WT Poster child-
i see it too many times in folks who leave, my wife and i used to have once amonth groups of former jw and one of the first things that most would mention is how they could do what the F%$#@ they wanted to do with thier lives and as a result many of them got involv ed in behavoior that even NONJW would not, therefore becomeing nothing more than a WT POster child
then i begin tosee folks who left and were moviing on with thier lives, going to college, starting families,enjoying life
there is no greater "Revenge" than to leave wt and do well with your life, it totally confusing them since we were all told that once you leave wt your life goes to hell in a hand basket
folks had me leaving my wife for a white woman, we were getting a divoirce. lost our apt, etc
yet when they see up in the malls smiling and waving at them they look totally confused, we are looking all happy and REFRESHED while they are looking all hagard and worn out-
but hey just my 2