I went when a very close friend of our family passed, he was like an uncle to me,
very sweet old man. But one of the elders in my JC made a big deal about me
sitting with my family, and i shouldnt have been allowed to sit with them, and that
i should have been in the back. I was already emotional as it was, and he made the
whole experience very miserable for me. I cant stand that guy!
Anyhow, my 'spriritual' Grandmother died a couple years ago and i didnt go to
the service at the hall. I really wanted to go, but since i had such a bad experience
before, i did not want to repeat that. I was so sad over her passing, i mourned her
at home in my own way, it still makes me sad to think about her, i would have
wanted her family to know how much i loved her, but sometimes we allow things
like what that elder did to get in the way.
Would i attend another service at the hall. Probably not, but then again, i would have
to base that on the circumstance.