Well they denied me unemployment benefits...

by TresHappy 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat


    I would absolutely appeal it!!!! I don't know all the details, but what you've posted, but it sounds like your old employer is expecting you to not fight it. You're a sweet person and they know it...don't let them take advantage of your character...which is exactly what they're doing.

    Fight! After all the BS I've dealt with in corporate America, I'm living vicariously through you. LOL


  • TresHappy


    I have decided to appeal the decision...what's the worst they can say is no - and they've already told me that!

  • Es

    So glad you have decided to appeal i would what do you have to loose. Keep us posted es

  • doofdaddy

    I have taken on Gov dept's before and have always had a positive outcome. May I suggest that you get all your paperwork together (yeah I realise that somes missing but that is not your fault and make sure you point that out), study it, so when you have an interview, you will not be flustered with paper going everywhere.

    Don't forget that the gov is liable too, not just you. They have to follow their own laws. Remember knowledge is power. And don't be scared, go get ém!

    Good luck

  • TresHappy

    I sent the appeal letter back today, whether the Texas Workforce Commision wants to hear my side of the story; that's another matter. I signed up with 2 temporary agencies and am continuing to send out my resume to various companies and colleges.

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