Well i had written up 30 or so questions for the elders. I made it very easy. Ther were mostly simple questions with yes or no answers. I wrote on the sheet that they only answer in yes or no answers. Questions like has the wts ever claimed to be a prophet and other questions like that. I had 2 essay type questions in the end. So my wife gave them to the service overseer of her cong last week and she asked him today about them and he said it was obvious i had gotten my questions from apostates. Annoying. So i guess they are willing to have someone come over and talk to me about the questions. WTF its not that hard i made it easy all yes or no questions no spin style. Oh well i might take them on here havent decided yet.
Elders wont answer my questions
by gringojj 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
They never answer any questions. So what can we do BUT come to the exjw's for answers!! And then we tell others about the org and how they cannot answer the simplest questions without first going to check with an elder on how they should think about a certain topic. carla
*** w79 9/1 p. 29 The Royal “Shepherd” of Bible Prophecy ***
Unlike the clergy class, those of the Jeremiah class have been sent by Jehovah to speak in his name……True, the Jeremiah class back up their message by quoting the words, “This is what Jehovah has said.”*** w79 11/1 p. 25 Divine Judgment Against the False Prophets of Christendom ***
Whom, then, did Jehovah send and who are the ones that speak in his name, Christendom’s clergy who prophesy oppositely, or the Jeremiah class of today? Future events will identify the truthtellers.*** w56 8/1 p. 463 Jehovah’s Message Against Gog of Magog ***
As Ezekiel was merely the spokesman used by God, so also are those today who are privileged to speak in the name of Jehovah as his message-bearing witnesses.*** kj chap. 4 p. 66 Commissioned to Speak in the Divine Name ***
24 Why, though, are all these facts of history brought to our attention? It is to show the fulfillment of prophecy. Jehovah has found and commissioned his modern-day “Ezekiel.” It is a composite Ezekiel. It is composed of those dedicated, baptized proclaimers of God’s kingdom, who have been anointed with His spirit for their work. (Isaiah 61:1-3) It is manifest that in the year 1919 the invisible heavenly organization of Jehovah, like the celestial chariot seen in Ezekiel’s vision, rolled up and stopped, not before Christendom’s advocates of the League of Nations, but before the anointed proclaimers of the heavenly kingdom of God in the hands of Jesus Christ. From atop this celestial chariotlike organization Jehovah commissioned this dedicated, baptized, anointed class of servants to speak to all the nations in His name. Thus, like Ezekiel, they became Jehovah’s witnesses.*** w55 5/15 p. 305 Jehovah’s Channel of Communication ***
Thus Jehovah’s earthly channel of communication is identified. The earthly channel is either a prophet or a collective prophetlike organization.*** w55 5/15 p. 314 Christian Channel of Communication ***
20 What of Jehovah’s Christian channel of communication today? Which of the hundreds of sects and denominations of those who claim to be Christian is Jehovah’s spokesman today in the earth as his divinely appointed and organized channel of communication? ……Only the remnant of Jehovah’s anointed witnesses.—1 John*** w56 8/1 p. 467 Delivering Satan’s Death Notice ***
AS THE previous article stated, Jehovah’s witnesses, of all people, are the ones commissioned by God to deliver his special message just prior to this world’s end. The message is one of doom directed against Gog of Magog, that is, Satan the Devil, and against his allies. And there are very good reasons why Jehovah God in these “last days” passed over all others and chose what at the time was a small and obscure group of people to speak in his name and by his authority as his witnesses. Whom else can God trust to speak for him?*** w56 1/1 p. 32 Announcements ***
What a privilege to be serving with Jehovah’s channel of communication and to have the joy and pleasure of inviting others to receive the water of life!*** w57 6/15 p. 370 Overseers of Jehovah’s People ***
7 Let us now unmistakably identify Jehovah’s channel of communication for our day, that we may continue in his favor. ……..It is vital that we appreciate this fact and respond to the directions of the “slave” as we would to the voice of God, because it is His provision.*** w58 2/1 p. 79 Cultivate a Good Mental Disposition ***
We must always remember that we learn the truth from Jehovah’s channel of communication, the “faithful and discreet slave” class. (Matt. 24:45-47) We receive of his spirit by our continued association with his channel.Thus the Watchtower Organization does in fact claim to be ‘divinely appointed,’ and to speak ‘in the name of Jehovah’ and ‘by His authority,” being ‘sent forth’ by Jehovah Himself, commissioned by God, acts as His modern day ‘prophet,’ is the modern day ‘Jeremiah,’ and the ‘sole channel of communication’ today for Jehovah to reveal His truths.
*** Rbi8 Deuteronomy 18:20-22 ***
20 “‘However, the prophet who presumes to speak in my name a word that I have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet must die. 21 And in case you should say in your heart: “How shall we know the word that Jehovah has not spoken?” 22 when the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, that is the word that Jehovah did not speak. With presumptuousness the prophet spoke it. You must not get frightened at him.’For the WT to also claim not to be inspired is intellectually dishonest and amounts to speaking out of both sides of their mouth. This position that they have amounts to them having the Authority of God, but not the responsibility of an appointed prophet to speak the truth and have their words come true.
Note the following Watchtower which presents the Watchtower as a ‘message from Jehovah’ and some thing that one should even ‘kneel down and pray’ over before reading! Such outright idolatry should be of great concern to Christians. IF this does not qualify as an example of both the WT teaching that it is inspired, and of the idolatry that it encourages the Witnesses to have for it, I don’t know what will.*** w64 9/15 p. 574 Experiencing Jehovah’s Love ***
“In contrast to the attitude of these elective elders was that of an elderly couple with whom I stayed on the outskirts of . The brother went down to get the mail before breakfast, and when we had breakfast he said, “Brother Riemer, I got a new Watchtower this morning, and do you know the first thing that Ma and I do when we get that Tower? We kneel down before we take the wrapper off and ask Jehovah to make us worthy to see what the message is that Jehovah has for us. Now, before we take the wrapper off, will you kneel down and pray with us?” How different that elective elder was from this humble couple who appreciated Jehovah’s organization!” -
Thats pretty scary you know i always look up quotes on my handy wts cdrom to make sure they are correct. Its great because you can save stuff in a favorites folder and go back to review, Makes it easy to go back and expose them.
Oh what a lame excuse "he got his questions from apostates" As if that invalidates the queston. Ad Hominem.
Your thread makes me feel better. An elder tried to make me feel bad by asking why I didnt come to him with my questions. The reason I didnt was 1. I knew he would not answer them. 2. I knew his only answers would be "be loyal to god's org". 3. He would have said, "those questions sound like apostate questions"
I know Im not imagining it because just a month or so ago he told me about some things that his sister brought up. At which point his lip curled and he said "sounds like she's been in contact with apostates"
What if it was someone who was only studying that asked the questions?
When I studied at the end of the hour they always used to ask if I had any questions.
If Witnesses are asked any questions that seem to be even slightly informed they suspect contact with apostates. And of course, they are usually correct.
If the question was too deep, they would say, "That will be answered later on in the study. You need a better foundation in bible knowledge before that can be aswered"
Hah tricky dicks. Thats a good ploy to get out of answering a question you cant answer.
If Witnesses are asked any questions that seem to be even slightly informed they suspect contact with apostates. And of course, they are usually correct.
Isn't that the truth!! I can hear my mother, "You've been talking to those apostates on the internet again haven't you?"
It is highly doubtful you will get answers to your questions, gringojj. It's rare you'll find someone who'll openly engage your questions head-on. I recently encountered similar mentality to the description IP_SEC stated. I was discussing with (presumably) an elder on another board. The answers were, 'wait on Jehovah' to correct the matter, obey the 'Slave' because the Bible says so, you are a heretic and a coward, your motives are suspect, I don't want to cast my pearls before swine, go join your heretic friends, you know the fate that will befall you, I'm not making any more replies, etc.
If the questions are seen to come from an 'apostate' source and your motives for asking them can be classed as dark, the deflector shields can be legitimately raised and the questions, you, can be dismissed out-of-hand.