The status of women in early Christianity

by Leolaia 62 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 5go

    This is were I am going to shove down the throats of Christians the same things they try to shove throats of others. Mainly in regards to the old testament an it's effect on Christian morality standards.

    When someone like me tries to point to the old testament uselessness in current morality only to be it given the old "it is a template for Christian morality" line. The old testament was very unkind to women. Where in any part of the teachings of Jesus did he set a clear change from that template found in the old testament that women were to be treated equally with men.

    Jesus also never showed any consideration for any women to be his direct apostles, despite three good candidates recorded in the gospels.

    In fact Paul said in 1st Corinthians, one of the few books that are attributed to him that are really his; said that women should remain silent in church, and the husband should teach them at home. Also, in recent history women were not treated well much less equal by Christians. Which used the bible to cement their viewpoint on their treatment of women, and they were only made treat women better by outside secular forces.

    So what makes you think that the were treated any better in the early years of christendom, especially seeing as anything coming from that time period in regards to christianity is very dubious at best.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    5go - The fact that you mention the verse from 1 Corinthians suggests that you haven't even read this thread. Otherwise you would have noticed that scholars believe that those particular words were inserted by later scribes and probably aren't Paul's words at all.

    Do read it, I think you in particular will find it interesting from a Gnostic point of view.

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Fascinating topic!

    Leo, just wondered if you've come across Leonard Schlain's books - Sex, Time and Power and The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The Conflict Between Word and Image. Very interesting take on how women's sexuality shaped human evolution and religion being invented by men, with all that that implies.

    I have only recently discovered this writer and would would highly recommend the book to anyone. Just thought you might find it interesting.

    Thanks for all your hard is much appreciated.

  • PSacramento

    Thanks to Narkissos for brining this thread to our(my) attention :)

    I have always viewed that pasage from Timothy as "something left over from Paul's Pharisees unbringing", but this puts things in a new light, very interesting.

  • PSacramento

    If we are to follow the view that perhaps the letter to Timothy was altered or changed or whatever, it makes al the more stronger tha case to never take a letter/book/chapter/verse out of contextr with the WHOLE teachings of an individual.

    Not saying I agree at this point in regards to this issure, but it kind of makes sense, afterall it is quite out of context with Paul's typical teachings.

  • Justitia Themis
    Justitia Themis

    great thread...don't know how I missed this one!

  • zarco

    Leolaia - I am working my way through your essay. It is thought provoking to say the least. I wonder if the egalitarian movement was an existing social movement that attached itself to early christianity and eventually to gnostic teachings as a way to further its cause or if the “women-friendly” principles found in the movement begat the egalitarian treatment of individuals?

    The role of women in supporting the early movements – eventually gnostic and “orthodoxy” – through financial sponsorship, teaching, prophecy and leadership is far greater than I ever realized and critical to early Christianity gaining traction in society – thanks for making me think differently about that.

    It seems that much of Christianity today – JWs in particular – get around the issue by focusing on the equal results applied to men and women (heavenly life) rather than equal treatment and opportunity.

    A fascinating read…. your research is well outside of my area of expertise. It takes a lot of time to get my linear thinking head around it :)


  • free @ last
  • AvocadoJake

    Women in the World of the Earliest Christians: Illuminating Ancient Ways of Life

    By: Lynn H. Cohick Baker Academic / 2009 / Paperback Leolia, you might enjoy this book, I did

  • slimboyfat

    This is an interesting thread I never read before.

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