LittleToe....The exegesis of Genesis 2-3, to the extent that there is one, appears to be confined locally to 1 Timothy 2:13-15. Childbearing, on the other hand, is mentioned again as something that would protect women from falling under Satan's influence (5:14), indicating that this is what the author had in mind when he said in 2:15 that childbearing brings salvation to women. Moreover, the forbidding of marriage is a key feature of the heresy (4:3), so again marriage and childbearing would save women from the snares of the error. Thus, the allusion to childbearing in 2:15 is not merely due to a reading of Genesis 2-3 but is directed towards a problem existing in the community involving the forbidding of marriage and childbearing (implicitly a feature of marriage). Gnostic attitudes towards marriage and childbearing provide the most comprehensive explanation of this and gnosticism appears to be what "silly women" were involved with (2 Timothy 3:6-7; compare 1 Timothy 6:20).