Well seeing as my social skills are severly limited or it's just really really hard to meet women I thought i'd get everybody's opinion on "netdating". I think it's worth a shot, i think it gives you an opportunity to meet people that you'd never meet in the real world, well it's 2 am and i'm bored, i guess i'd better hit the sack now
Internet Dating......has anybody tried it?
by JV 22 Replies latest jw friends
There's been quite a few threads on this. I met my hubby this way. We online chatted, then phone chatted for quite awhile before we met. Well 7 years later we got married 4 weeks ago. :)
Knock yourself out and go for it. I was too busy and didn't want to meet an alcoholic in the bar. -
It's a great help for people that feel nervous or lost when they have to meet and talk with dates face to face the first time, or few times.
You have a lot more time to think on what to say and you don't have to worry about your facial expressions and body movements being an embarassment to yourself. -
Very cool, EF!
I've never done it, but friends of mine have. I'm not sure if they weren't being discriminating enough or if maybe they should have had more online or phone conversations before planning to meet some of these guys in person, but neither of the two girls (early 30's, attractive) have had a lot of success meeting someone they wanted to continue seeing for more than a few dates....or the guys didn't want to continue seeing them. Could be they needed to tweek their profiles or something???
Good luck with it!
I avoid internet dating; my husband frowns on it.
Social skills starts with treating others the way you would like to be treated.
Getting involved in group activities can be a starter; volunteer, join a church if you are so inclined looking for one with social activities, get involved in the social activities at work. I met my husband at work.
I wouldn't say don't do it but if you do then be very careful.
A friend of mine met a guy on the internet, he moved in with her, they had a baby, he never worked the whole time they were together, then he persuaded her to remortgage the house, £27,000 of her money was paid into his bank account and that was the last she saw of him, he never even called to say happy birthday to his son and it turns out shes not the first person hes done this to.
I have never internet dated but my ex-wife (she's "committable") has each year a few guys going wild, then targets one. One poor bastard from Oklahoma City met up with her and in the end she drove her truck into his kitchen, hit his car repeatably, and tried to run him over. She purports to be one of four people to these guys, and has different looks/pictures for each of them. Her name is Crystal, hope you never meet her.
Yes I know someone who is trying it out now. He met someone on the site and drove over 7 hours to go meet her face to face and got stood up after driving all night to get there...be carefull!!! There are some real freaks out there.
Blondie brings up some good points... and I have decided that the best ways to meet gals are
1) Through Church
2) Through work
3) Through friends
4) Socializing
Well... I personally don't do the 'church' thing anymore *shudder*
I work at home - not too many opportunities to meet gals there...
I don't have many friends - and those that I have - don't have any elegible friends date-worthy...
Socializing... I work a lot. Not much opportunity to meet anyone that way.
Anyway... on to the question at hand. Internet dating.
I have tried it in the past - many many times. Tried the 'match.com', americansingles, yahoo personals, etc. Not much success. Most of the gals there - well... not my cup of tea. Some were only interested in 'getting out' - and away from the kids. Others were interested in a weekend date. One wouldn't give her real name... and I only had a 'Tigger' type of nicname to use. (Difficult to have flowers delivered to her work when you don't have a real name. Her loss.)
I had all but given up on using the internet method for meeting someone - but then sent one gal a note. She replied. I was busy... it was on a Sunday when I was in the middle of getting laundry done - and so told her so. I really didn't expect her to reply... but she did!
We typed back and forth a couple more times... and I left her my phone number. She called - and I wasn't home. I called her back, and we talked.
She asked me where I lived. I gave a general description of where I live, and she replied 'That's where I live.' I figured that she lived near me... but not that near.
Turns out - she lives in the same trailer park - only a few trailers away from me. We met - I took her out - and we are now very much in love with each other. It has only been about 2 months now, but I look forward to seeing her each and every day. Being with her... touching her... talking to her... etc.
I guess the answer to your question is... Yes. Internet dating works. But, you'll need to kiss a lot of frogs before you get your Prince - or Princess.
Jim TX
JV, Sometimes, it can work. My youngest daughter met her husband on the internet, and are happily married. He's a hard worker, and so is she. They've been married 7 years now, and no problems, relating to marriage.
The only problem they have is getting involved this past year with the Watchtower cult. (aaaagh)!